Cheers!! Lighter fare, such as the Pear Salad, comes with ricotta, spiced pecans and a charred pear vinaigrette. . It's BYO wine at the Heights location. But youll soon find yourself zipping between the two enjoying seasonal cocktails such as, , which blends Whistlepig Piggyback Rye with cacao, PX sherry, ambrette and mace, and craft brews like, (and close your check) from either bar. In the festive and colorful atmosphere, be sure to sip on a Bahama Mama made with rum, pineapple, lime, orange, pomegranate, coconut. Spanish Flowers, 4701 North Main: This classic Mexican restaurant has a cozy, umbrella-covered patio. (But I sure have enjoyed the lasagna, manicotti, ravioli, and eggplant parm. Historic 19th Street is a hub for shopping in the Heights - ABC13 Houston , 1433 North Shepherd: This Heights hangout features a large patio, with many shaded seating areas, that is bookended by two bars: one offering, for beer, cider and more. The Italian bread is warm and fluffy. The colorful plates at this Vietnamese restaurant are intended to be sharable, but if you decide to hog a few to yourself, no judgment. The best way to end a day exploring the Heights is to catch a sunset on one of its lovely patios. Kin Dee at Market at Houston Heights delivers traditional Thai cuisine created from scratch, with a focus on noodle-based dishes, as well as endless mimosas and beer buckets. We hope you come to love it as much as we do, and enjoy making it your home. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. While the food selection is focused, the cocktail and spirits list is more extensive than a New Jersey diner menu. For me, its an hour from home, but if I ever find myself back in the Heights, Im eating here! have been serving franks that will make you love hot dogs again. Welcome to Hill Country! But if youre not in a breakfast mood, spring for a comfort classic like chicken fried steak or meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green beans. Youll regularly see Clayton hauling crates and bags of produce through the Urban Harvest Farmers Market, and the small plates reveal his expert use of those locally grown ingredients.
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