If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact u@osu.edu. Your email address will not be published. Snapshot ID: 10506 Active ingredients Fomesafen Sodium Salt . U.S. Label Reflex Herbicide EPA Reg. PDF Voraxor Herbicide - Basf Apply REFLEX Liquid Herbicide at 0.8 L/ha with PURSUIT at 0.312 L/ha for control of common ragweed at the cotyledon to 4-leaf growth stage plus other weeds as listed on the PURSUIT label. 0000060059 00000 n application/pdfPesticide Product Label, REFLEX HERBICIDEPesticide Product Label, REFLEX HERBICIDEUS EPA, Pesticide Product Label, REFLEX HERBICIDE,01/20/2015US EPA,Office of Pesticide Programs Labels. Reflex 2L(fomesafen)* Labelled for:Pumpkins, Winter Squash Product per Acre:0.5-1pt. Acrobat Distiller 10.1.13 (Windows); modified using iText 5.0.4 (c) 1T3XT BVBAPesticide Product Label, REFLEX HERBICIDE,SYNGENTA CROP PROTECTION, LLC,100-993 0000003722 00000 n Obtaining the label: 1. x2yp8 The development of REFLEX means advisors and growers can mix and rotate herbicides for better results today, while managing the development of resistance for seasons to come. % 0000002579 00000 n 0000001186 00000 n 0000019214 00000 n What plans are in store for 2021? Login (first time users create login and password). 0 0000007044 00000 n For state, select Georgia and for product, select Reflex in this scenario (play around and see our other labels) and then submit. d`ny 7QzEXdc%=AbORUI+/rB4xIFY)NF`eB('F^oLXBh) NI)hSW}Sciu(I~6T1?25-21M p[}u=C 6"b_c *}X3Q7ak_\]V/ )fT@5K9U>*(OF~+,aWmvGgP3G+VlFIQFyCt Dg&P@nKzy[)}^hiqeY=edX$9&_ Chf)V|dR"qE,#cqnQeckS.+r/e;s startxref 0000010107 00000 n Maintaining Soil Productivity/Health in High Tunnels: Whats the Problem? 0000002538 00000 n While MIRAVIS STAR isnt expected until later in the year, REFLEX will soon be registered with first sales anticipated in April, a full year ahead of schedule. 20 0 obj<> endobj Robust, new level of activity on hard-to-control broadleaf weeds, including resistant types. 102 (https://mwveguide.org/uploads/pdfs/2021-cucurbit-crops.pdf). 22 0 obj<>stream Reflex Herbicide Fomesafen Ringside Herbicide - 2.64 Gallons is a selective herbicide used for control or partial control of broadleaf weeds, grasses and sedges in cotton, dry beans, potatoes, snap beans, soybeans and succulent soybeans (edamame). endstream endobj 15 0 obj<. PDF Fom a 2 - Amazon Web Services trailer Agworld DBX transforms product labelling into indexed, actionable data in an unbiased presentation that is easily accessible.
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