This offense is punished by up up to 5 years in prison and a fine up to $2500. Excellent lawyer reviews all the evidence and gives great advice on your options. 2020 Code of Virginia Title 18.2 . A 24-year-old man from Ashburn, Virginia, now faces criminal charges for the weapon crime of reckless handling of a firearm, according to an article by the Loudoun Times-Mirror. 2. A sawed-off rifle is defined in Section 18.2-299 as a shoulder weapon rifle of any caliber with a barrel (or barrels) under 16 inches in length, or with a total length under 26 inches. Section 18.2-280(B)-(C). Penalties for these offenses if convicted are: Its important to note that under 18.2-279, any illegal discharge of a firearm in or at a school building, even if not occupied, is a Class 4 felony. Client was able to keep his concealed carry permit. To any person in the persons home or the persons place of business; To any person with a valid concealed handgun permit; To any person transporting a weapon to or from home/business and the place where the person purchased or had repairs done to the weapon if the weapon is unloaded and secured; To any person who is hunting when the weather causes the person to conceal the weapon in order to protect the weapon from the weather conditions; To any person going to or from a training location while the gun is secured and unloaded; Any person part of a weapons collecting organization who is at or going to or from a weapons exhibition if the weapons are unloaded and securely wrapped; Retired law enforcement officers, campus police officers, and other retired officers provided they have a favorable review of the need to carry a concealed handgun issued by the chief law enforcement officer of the agency from which the officer retired; or. Discovery Company. purposeful, knowing, reckless or negligent, Death row inmates champion Steve Bright always inspires me, What legitimate purpose does it serve to hold any human being in solitary confinement for 40 years awaiting execution? . Thus, an individual guilty of recklessly handling a firearm faces up to 12 months in jail and/or a fine of up to $2,500. Call Us 24/7 for FREE CONSULTATION (703) 940-1570. . Almost every one of these sections does not apply to law enforcement officers while performing their official duties, nor to individuals acting in excusable and justifiable self-defense. Virginia Firearms Offenses | Criminal Defense | Pendleton Law unting with a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a, Possession with Intent to Distribute Marijuana, Possession of Marijuana on School or Other Public Property With Intent to Distribute, Distribution of Marijuana on School and Other Public Property, Distribution of Marijuana to Person Under 18, Causing Person Under 18 to Distribute Marijuana, Manufacturing Marijuana on School and Other Public Property, Third Offense Marijuana Distribution, Manufacturing, Possession with Intent to Distribute or Manufacture, Possession with Intent to Distribute A Controlled Substance, Distributing, Manufacturing, Possessing with Intent to Distribute Drugs on School and Other Public Property, Assisting Person in Unlawfully Procuring Prescription, Unlawfully Prescribing or Administering Drugs, Assault Based on Race, Religion, Color, National Origin, Malicious Bodily Injury of Law Enforcement Officer, Unlawful Bodily Injury of Law-Enforcement Officer, Intent to Commit Murder, Robbery, Rape, Arson, Intent to Commit Larceny, Assault and Battery, Other Felony, Possession of Firearm While Committing Certain Drug Offenses, Persons Prohibited From Possessing Firearms in Virginia.
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