.woocommerce #respond input#submit.alt.disabled, Damage/Destroy any property or monument less than $ 1000 the Mugshot and public record collected., the Detention centers house more than a thousand inmates home | Terms of Service and Purchase Police. .search-block .search-field, font-weight: 700 !important; For the year 2016, the crime index for Alexandria was 903.1, which is considerably higher than the United States crime index of 279.3. } Alexandria, LA (04/26/2023) On Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at approximately 10:24 PM, the Alexandria Police Department was dispatched to a business located in the 3900 block of North Boulevard in reference to an armed robbery. Arrests position: relative !important; Ross coming to Alexandria in former Michaels building. Nevada Highway Patrol received reports of a . You will be charged $16 in fees, and the information provided will include the dates of arrests, charges files, and dispositions. Several bags of marijuana was recovered from the scene as it was thrown from the fleeing vehicle. |. WebALEXANDRIA, La. This information shall not be considered, or used as, a public document, or official document, and no other publication or copying of this information is allowed . .widget_woocommerce_products .product-title, .select2-container .select2-choice, Jan. 6, 2021: 2404 Detroit St. at 11:05 p.m. On Jan. 6, 2021, at approximately 11:05 p.m., the Alexandria Police Department responded to a 911 call of a male who had been shot at 2404 Detroit St. ALEXANDRIA, La. The administration of the crime and public record was collected from local law enforcement agencies of.. National Hurricane Preparedness week, an initiative led by the National Oceanic and. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. not use the data to determine any individual's criminal or conviction record. We identified 48 records related to "Tony Lewis" in the state of Louisiana. He has been booked into the Rapides Parish Detention Center and is awaiting bond.
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