, Ms. Barbara Bradley - Paraeducator, Mr. Agustin Chuquitarqui - Building Service Worker Sh 2 Principal's Executive Program - The Institute of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - 1992, North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching - North Carolina Board of Governors - 1985. Our building, constructed in 1936 with significant additions in 1967, 1975, and 2006, reflects that we are consistently developing on a strong tradition of excellence to meet the ever-changing needs of our student body. After construction was completed the 1962 "flat top" annex was demolished to make way for expansion of the school's courtyard and parking lot. Mr. Radford attended Harvard Kennedy School of Government Senior Executives in State and Local Government Program. Email: And be true to thee., Mr. Andrew Kenton - Teacher, Mr. Michael Sandstrom - Classroom Teacher High District Directories / Staff Directory - Ramsey School District Principals Thomas Campbell Young, 19301937 J. R. Gardner Jr, 19511963 Nick Ardillo, 1965 I. S. Gerald, 1966 Richard Ward, 19671968 George Thomas, 19681981 Larry Contri, 19811984 Ralph Sheetz, 19841990 Robert Atkins, 19902001 Jeanette Watters, 20022006 Mark Sullivan, 2012 Evelyn Nettles Hines, 20122014 Cassandra Ramsey High School (New Jersey) - Wikipedia She is a part ofJohnston County Association of Principals and Assistant Principal as well as Smithfield-Selma ChamberEducation Committee. Please email the current SSS Principal, David Allen or Fill out Google Form available on this page (Coming soon). Flipster. Educational Entrepreneur - Educational System Institute, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio - 1994,Education Policy Fellows Program (EPFP Fellow)/Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) - Public School Forum of North Carolina - 1993,Principal's Executive Program - The Institute of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - 1992,North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching - North Carolina Board of Governors - 1985, Video forSSS Inaugural Hall of Fame Inductees, Lyn Andrews (1975), Tony Nixon, Dr. Rose Snipes Bynum(1972),Tom Lock (1974), Darryl Lynn Lucas (1980),Mayor Andy Moore (1989), Tony Nixon (1976), Mike Wooten (1981)., Mrs. Paula Arata - School Financial Specialist, Mrs. Dulce Carrillo - Teacher, Mr. Sidney Hankerson - Teacher Resource Mr. Childrey has received the following awards: Smithfield Jaycees Distinguished Service Award, Johnston County Board of Education Honorary Hero, Smithfield-Selma Citizen of the Year, Honorary life member of Chamber of commerce. Supervisor of K-8 Education and Student Welfare., This page is maintained by the Rockville High School Web Team, School Business Administrator 240-740-6612, Report Positive Student and Staff COVID Cases., Mr. Antonio Garcia - Bldng Svc Asst Mgr IV Sh 2, Ms. Suzanne Redman - Speech Pathologist
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