What social networking sites do you use? The findings of this study shed insight on how students use on-line social networking sites, the time spent and the kind of information sought. Astin (Citation1984, 297) initially presented the concept of student engagement as the amount of physical and psychological energy that the student devotes to the academic experience. 9, 239247. Learners understanding of this environment can be mediated by the image shaped via social media. J. Exp. Social media has a negative impact on the academic performance of 21st-century undergraduate medical students. The research population includes the undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled in the universities of the Hefei city. keep up with news/gossip/ trends The findings of this research are noteworthy in the field of information system research and in the literature on education and social media as per our identification of positive association between the usage of social media by students and academic engagement and creativity. Good. Impact of social media on the academic performance of college students Therefore, we developed a hypothesis that is; H1b: The usage of social media by students is associated positively with students creativity. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2013.11.010, Vernon, L., Modecki, K. L., and Barber, B. L. (2017). Pers. Average. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. Frison and Eggermont (2016) examined the relationships between different forms of Facebook use, perceived social support of social media, and male and female students depressed mood. 34, 153171. Their main reasons for using social media might be different from school students as well, which need to be investigated more thoroughly. (2017) aimed to explore the time spent on social networks and its correlation with anxiety among middle school students. Teachers may not be in full control of their students use of social media, but they have always played an active role in motivating or demotivating students to take particular measures in their academic lives. Table 5 indicates that the indirect effect of students use of social media on student engagement is weak at +1SD (effect=0.01, LLCI: 0.052, ULCI: 0.002) that when it is at 1SD (effect=0.04, LLCI: 0.118, ULCI: 0.006). Teachers, education policymakers, curriculum developers, and all those in charge of the student affairs at schools and universities should be made aware of the psychological effects of the pervasive use of social media on students, and the potential threats. (2012). *Correspondence: Miao Chen, chenmiao@njupt.edu.cn; Xin Xiao, wdfhgovfeo@126.com, The Roles of Social Media in Education: Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive Dimensions, View all The sorts of interventions needed to moderate the potential negative effects of social networking on them can be different too, all requiring a new line of research in education domain. The main survey tool, a social media questionnaire on awareness, use, and satisfaction with a selection of social media, shows how students assess the suitability of these platforms for learning. Gender Behav. Certainly, the educational space in todays world cannot do without the social media, which has turned into an integral part of everybodys life.
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