NB. Mission Statement:To give terminally ill, life-limited, and deserving children from across Northern Ireland a truly magical day, creating excitement and memories which they and their families will cherish forever. This place formed part of the territory of the O'Nials, and on the settlement of Ulster was, with the lands of Dowcorran and Ballenemoney, together comprising 2500 acres, granted by Jas. RW Bro Malcolm A H Saul. Masonic Provincial Grand Lodge of Armagh helps to give children a Christmas to remember in Lapland Members of the Masonic Provincial Grand Lodge of Armagh have once again brought seasonal cheer to children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. At MWPHGL of MI, we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support. (4) The payment of grants to non-Masonic charities such as Teddies for Loving Care, Children to Lapland and Guide Dogs for the Blind. For over 150 years, we have contributed to great communities throughout Michigan. 2014 Copyright The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland, Log in or get a password to Online services, Help improve this website - send your feedback, The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, Mr Jim Blair, 14 Tudor Lodge, Waringstown, Craigavon, BT66 7SX. The Provincial Grand Lodge thereof shall meet at the Town of Ballinasloe. The Provincial Grand Lodge of Armagh has donated 2,750 to the Northern Ireland Children to Lapland and Days to Remember Trust (NICLT) a charity that takes 100 deserving children to Lapland every Christmas. It has played a large part in the history of Canada, with many prominent members including four prime ministers, among them Sir John A . By promoting a firm belief in a Supreme Being and devotion to the tenets of brotherly love, relief, and truth, it is the mission of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan to inspire good men, bound by virtue, to become better men, citizens, and leaders in their homes and communities.
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