Health in 2015: from MDGs to SDGs 2015. The findings obtained from our study show that economic, social, and political integration of countries and democracy accelerate the process of achieving a healthier society. Thus, unhealthy but traditional consumption patterns and lifestyles may change. One such cadre, according to political scientist Samuel Huntington in The Clash of Civilizations (1998), comprises an elite group of highly educated people who operate in the rarefied domains of international finance, media, and diplomacy. Another study on the Pakistan case proposed by Alam et al. Testing slope homogeneity in large panels. The resulting spread of slavery demonstrates that globalization can hurt people just as easily as it can connect people.The rate of globalization has increased in recent years, a result of rapid advancements in communication and transportation. In some cases, this may contribute to improved health by enabling a more varied and healthier diet; in others, it is blamed for increases in unhealthy food consumption and diabetes.DownsidesNot everything about globalization is beneficial. Free trade opportunities between countries help avoid business complications. Finally, gdp is real GDP per capita (constant 2010 $) and it is provided from World Bank World Development Indicators. Marshall, M. G., & Jaggers, K. (2002). A Historical View Globalization is not new. Besley, T., & Kudamatsu, M. (2006). Globalization' Positive and Negative Effects - Globalization and poverty (No. Empirical results obtained are the opposite of the expected. Also, the child mortality rate was reduced by 53% and maternal mortality by 43% (WHO 2016). Our results confirms the findings of Owen and Wu (2007), Ali and Audi (2016), and Shahbaz et al. Welander, A., Lyttkens, C. H., & Nilsson, T. (2015). Beck, T., Maimbo, S. M., Faye, I., & Triki, T. (2011). The following are some of the advantages and disadvantages of globalization. The largest job creation and destruction effects come from environmental, technology and economic trends.
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