This overview will introduce you to some key concepts when using Pendo and installing the Pendo Agent. Pendo provides the following APIs and integration kits for customers: This overview will introduce you to some key concepts when using Pendo and installing the Pendo Agent. Introduction Values may be extracted from list by using normal JavaScript style indexes such as listField[index]; sublists can be created using JavaScript style slices such as listField[start:end]. Something that has always made Pendo different is our insistence that product analytics and in-app messaging belong together in one tool. Pendo community and Slack At a high level, an aggregation consists of. Too often in the past, weve had to make difficult trade-offs between building features for customers and building internal capabilities. NOTE: The implementation of expand is not well optimized and should not be used for large numbers of expansions. For each row the existingField will be checked to see which set of conditions its value matches. Unless the tool allows you to create a knowledge base from scratch (which is rare), this is standard practice for third-party tools. This means a list of integers will not work. Accepted parameters are null or {"identified":true} to eliminate anonymous visitors. Pendo Resource center is a feature which allows you to provide further help for the confused end-users. Manufacturing accounts for 18.3% of the region's value added and provides employment for . Onboarding plays a central role in activation, making it crucial to reduce friction in the in-app onboarding experience. Pendo is a popular user onboarding tool that companies rely on since it brings together the three most important aspects of a good quality user engagement flow: Today I will be digging deep into the third part, the further help options that Pendo helps you provide. FREE - $200 Live Sessions Online case submission via support portal By doing so, you won't have to bombard them with a new walkthrough on each step, and let them help themselves when they have a question. Once that many rows with the same join key have been seen, the merged row is passed to the next operation in the pipeline. As customers continue using your product, youll want to ensure theyre continuing to interact with its key featuresthe ones you know correlate with outcomes like adoption and positive customer sentiment.
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