They also check the customs declaration to determine if customs duty, excise duty and import VAT are chargeable. This info does not constitute financial advice, always do your own research on top to ensure it's right for your specific circumstances and remember we focus on rates not service. As long as you've remembered to factor in the duty as well as the VAT. Processes, programs and tools for visitors and residents. National policies, processes, procedures, regulations and legislation. I'll keep waiting I guess since there isn't much else I can do, I just wanted to know if I'm alone in this or if anyone has advise. Cookies help us improve your Parcelforce Worldwide online experience. There isn't any customs duty on watches (well it is 0.80 euros a piece so the fee is waived). blackout Jun 8, 2009 #4 just phoned customs and they said it will be 2 & 1/2 weeks and then phone parcelforce and they said 1 week because there is a delay the usps service i used delivery said 6-10 days anybody else had this problem P I understand there's a global pandemic and was expecting delays but this seems excessive. We will hold your parcel for 20 days, after which your parcel will be returned to sender. We will hold your parcel for 21 days so that you can pay and arrange delivery of your parcel. parcelforce awaiting payment of customs charges Package stuck in customs with cryptic status updates - Yes I have done the paper work, and it was sent to Parcelforce customs people first class, recorded delivery about a week ago. All Rights Reserved, Tracking description - waiting customs clearance. 02.18 - Customs clearance. Please read the rules and be respectful to our community. Customer Service | DHL | Canada Print this page. You can also cancel your collection online using ourwebsite collection cancellation request. A lock ( You can make payments using the Customs Declaration Service, Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight ( CHIEF . Find out what we have to offer, why were committed to sustainability, and how our industry is helping deliver a sustainable future. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. If you don't pay the customs charges, your parcel will be returned to sender after the 21 . All countries need to control the import and export of goods where this involves them coming in from or being delivered outside of the EU. Package Stuck in Customs | How Long Will It Be Held For? - Eurosender Blog If you have an enquiry or are looking for some information then please type a question or keyword(s) into the box provided, Parcelforce tracking Global Logistics - International Shipping | DHL Home | Canada Well, on Feburary 12, 2012 I bought 2 designer items for my husband from China, on Feb 13 it was posted by the seller. :| You're not alone. "Awaiting Customs clearance" a 'fun' game IT'S HERE! Way Huge content
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