17C A prescribed person in paragraph 17.13 is one who is prescribed in regulations made by the Secretary of State under section 63B(6) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. The audio recording required by that Code is sufficient. The person should be allowed to read the record or have it read to them and sign it as correct or indicate the respects in which they consider it inaccurate. 6.10 If the interviewer considers a solicitor is acting in such a way, they will stop the interview and consult an officer not below superintendent rank, if one is readily available, and otherwise an officer not below inspector rank not connected with the investigation. 15C In the case of a review of detention, but not an extension, the detainee need not be woken for the review. 17.7 In the case of a person who has not attained the age specified in section 63B(5A) of PACE. This term which is used by the Directive means that the suspect must be able to understand their position and be able to communicate effectively with police officers, interviewers, solicitors and appropriate adults as provided for by this and any other Code in the same way as a suspect who can speak and understand English and who does not have a hearing or speech impediment and who would therefore not require an interpreter. 10.10 When a suspect interviewed at a police station or authorised place of detention after arrest fails or refuses to answer certain questions, or to answer satisfactorily, after due warning, see Note 10F, a court or jury may draw such inferences as appear proper under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, sections 36 and 37. Where the use of the Welsh Language is appropriate, the following form of words may be provided in Welsh: Does dim rhaid i chi ganiatu cymryd sgan uwchsain neu belydr-x (neur ddau) arnoch, ond maen rhaid i mi eich rhybuddio os byddwch chin gwrthod gwneud hynny heb reswm da, fe allai hynny niweidio eich achos pe bain dod gerbron llys.. 10A There must be some reasonable, objective grounds for the suspicion, based on known facts or information which are relevant to the likelihood the offence has been committed and the person to be questioned committed it. An intimate search may only be carried out by a registered medical practitioner or registered nurse, unless an officer of at least inspector rank considers this is not practicable and the search is to take place under paragraph 2(a)(i), in which case a police officer may carry out the search. The rice component is a mix of white basmati rice, wholegrain basmati rice and multi-grains. If the detainee wishes to see a solicitor, access to that solicitor may not be delayed on the grounds they might advise the detainee not to answer questions or the solicitor was initially asked to attend the police station by someone else. 8. 16D Except as in paragraph 16.7, neither a juveniles behaviour nor the nature of the offence provides grounds for the custody officer to decide it is impracticable to arrange the juveniles transfer to local authority care.
Bowl-Embedded Microwave Meals : Microwave Meal 17G Appropriate adult in paragraph 17.7 means the persons, (a) parent or guardian or, if they are in the care of a local authority or voluntary organisation, a person representing that authority or organisation; or, (b) a social worker of a local authority; or.
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