68)? Explain the following quotes in your own words, and discuss how they can be applied to your life:
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What are the real reasons behind the Council's reject and fear of Equality's invention?
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The old locks and lack of guards in the Palace of Corrective Detention indicate that prisoners never tried to escape. Why is it considered a sin to give someone a name? 2. International 1-5537 notes that he has worked on his invention alone and that anything not created collectively cannot be good. J0$j
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The discovery of one should be kept a secret. b. Why was Equality relieved that Liberty was only 17 years old? Collective 0-0009 disagrees and says that none but the World Council has the authority to pass judgment. What does Equality mean, at the beginning of the chapter, when he says, "We are old now, but we were young this morning" (p. 68)? )P^$!YGMaQBKE+^B
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l^Tsdr;x,}&taTRtlm}e4}lG`g=%~a=Q^?r@C97Z(8. Outline four of the Council's reasons for rejecting Equality's invention. How long was Equality in the Palace of Corrective Detention? In this chapter, Equality questions the morality of his former society. 2. He does not want to imagine her being forced into going to the Palace of Mating in order to have a child. More books than SparkNotes. It isn't their goal to make the lives of men easier. Outline four of the Councils reasons for rejecting Equalitys invention. Outline four of the Councils reasons for rejecting Equalitys invention. "_UnRUqbTM%c-J~uuNUQ*H3p]2=Z*
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Unanimity 2-9913 says that the box would hurt the Plans of the World Council, which are in control of the sun's rising.
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