They're not saying Para-Olympics, which is my pet peeve, or the Olympics, or the Special Olympics. Its a blessing and a curse because I rely so much on my upper body to walk around and move to begin with. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. "I had intended to adoptan infant because I know through my line of work how important the first year is for development," said Gay,"but then I was given a black and white photograph of this little girl,there was a sparkle in her eyesand I knew, even though this child was not who I had set out to find,this wasmy daughter.". Oksana Masters is one of the most decorated athletes in the history of the Paralympics. Oksana Masters: It's at my mom's house 'cause I'm a klutz and I destroy everything I touch, so if I want that thing to be preserved in one piece, it's staying at my mom's house until ", Again Gay persisted:"I told her it was just one Saturday, and if she didn't like it she wouldn't have to go back." Oksana Masters of Team United States poses for a portrait during the Team USA Beijing 2022 Olympic shoot on September 12, 2021 in Irvine, California. Keeping a record of your thoughts and feelings can help you both emotionally and practically. And my legs are what created the opportunity for me to be an athlete. Masters was born in Ukraine with multiple radiation-induced birth defects from Chernobyl that led to the loss of both her legs. Oksana Masters: Ive been in impossible situations, but that was tough on a whole other level because it wasnt just an injury, it was my overall health. Oksana Masters is an American Paralympic skier who is currently 32 years old. started her schooling life at a private school in Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine and completed her primary education there. When someone else believes in you so much, its sometimes hard because you dont want to let them down. In her hospital room, she asked her mom for some resistance bandsanything to get just a little sweat going. Id watched the Olympics, but Id never seen someone like myself. "I had figured out by that point that sports were a kind of therapy for her and I signed her up for horseback riding lesson," Gay said. "When I met Aaron, my racing career just elevated, and I became better as an athlete and a person," she says. Oksana Masters, of the United States, celebrates after wining at Women's H5 Road Race at the Fuji International Speedway at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021, in Tokyo . [8], In 2011, Masters and teammate Augusto Perez placed second at the Adaptive World Championship trials in West Windsor, New Jersey. She has won eight Paralympic medals in three sports, and has her sights set on reaching the podium in a . "You know, 'love is love'. I hope you like it and if you have any questions let me know in the comment box. She won silver medals in the 6 km sitting biathlon event and the 12.5 km sitting biathlon event. Continue with Recommended Cookies, By That is the most frustrating thing on earth. I hate comments like that. Tell me about that process. "He pushes me to be outside of my comfort zones," Oksana Masters who recently partnered with The Hartford and its Ability Equipped Program tells PEOPLE of boyfriend Aaron Pike. This article is only for educational purposes and it may possible that the information mentioned here is not 100% right.
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