This pass does not guarantee parking availability. The number of individuals in the private vehicle/bus/commercial vehicle does not apply. Proceed to and search for the lake name, choose the correct location on the online form and submit your camping and payment information. On the second screen page, select a state park (it will receive the revenue from your subscription). Instead, your license plate number will be used to confirm compliance. Restaurants and other concessionaires may offer validations to patrons upon approval of the park manager and Parks Director. Fees will be waived for honorably discharged veterans and Oklahoma residents age 62 or older and their spouse. We want you to be safe while recreating on or around the water. Yes, unless you have a valid lodging reservation with the park (for example, day visitors driving RVs are required to purchase a parking pass). Create an account in signNow. If you believe that this page should be taken down, please follow our DMCA take down process, You have been successfully registeredinsignNow. 10252 Hwy 44 Foss, OK 73647 Park Office: 580-592-4433 Office Fax: 580-592-4701 Email Foss State Park is located in western Oklahoma on Foss Lake. Daily entrance fee will be charged for every pass issued (see above and fees below). Alabaster Caverns State Park. For your safety, please remember that parking outside of designated areas is discouraged and visitors who park illegally may be fined and towed. Fishing floats must be USCG approved and may only be used during daylight hours and within coves, necks and areas within 100 feet of the shoreline. Group camping fees are based on the facilities available within the group site. Phone: 903-465-4990. Daily Permit: $6.25 The following watercraft require a boating permit: Boating permits are not required for fisherman floats/tubes. For verification, the following documents are acceptable: Oklahoma residents 62 years of age or older, and their spouses: 100% discount with eligibility verification by Oklahoma State Parks. Signage will be placed at park entrances and in parking areas to notify visitors of parking pass requirements. Advanced reservation and payment is available online at or by calling their Reservation Desk at 1-877-444-6777. Fishing floats allowed and must be USCG approved. Visitors must trade a paper Annual Pass for a plastic hang tag pass issued to an individual. Corps WatchProperty Protection Program helps toreduce vandalism and otherdamage at our Civil Works projects. Forget about scanning and printing out forms. Of course you have to study that before the interview. For website corrections, write to, An official website of the United States government, Project Partnering and Cooperation Agreements, Brush Piles, Survey Plats, Adjacent Landowners, Tulsa District Environmental Impact Statements, Flood Recovery and Repair Activities in the Tulsa, Hosted by Defense Media Activity -
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