And when he talked about marginalization, Kenya was the point of reference, not Somalia. Even the existence of Somali heroes, as seen in the Westgate Mall AttackFootnote100 or initiatives against that image (#KenyaImNotATerrorist)Footnote101 do not seem to change this picture. In 2013 it was merged with the Ministry of Devolution and Planning. The Dir, Daarood, Isaaq, and Hawiye, which together make up the Samaal clans, constitute roughly 75 percent of the population. Kenyas Somalis, however, occupy the most ambiguous situation of all. Hansard, Parliamentary Debates, July 21, 1993, p. 1524. Ogaden | Unrepresented United Nations, Inter Governments Organization Targets included police structures, nightclubs and bars, churches, but also buses and bus stations. 92. McIntosh, Autochthony and Family, 253. Lochery, Rendering Difference Visible, 617. Despite the project developing very slowly and the envisioned wall having mutated into a fence,Footnote76 this structure could have effects on the living conditions for Kenyan Somalis inhabiting the northeastern region, many of whom still earn their living through pastoralism. Formula Narratives and the Making of Social Stratification and Inequality, The Ogaden and the Fragility of Somali Segmentary Nationalism, Killing a Mosquito with a Hammer: Al-Shabaab Violence and State Security Responses in Kenya, Between a Protracted and a Crisis Situation: Policy Responses to Somali Refugees in Kenya, Rendering Difference Visible: The Kenyan State and its Somali Citizens, Soil, Work, Civilisation, and Citizenship in Kenya, Autochthony and Family: The Politics of Kinship in White Kenyan Bids to Belong. 23. 78. 49. Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC). 58.17million more inhabitants? The heterogeneous Somali population in Kenya can roughly be categorized into four groups. ), total subscriptions: 61,096 (2021 est. According to a Somali MP (interviewed in September 2014), about 100,000 Somalians were living in Eastleigh (Nairobi) alone, many of them not registered. )female: 2.7% (2020 est. Talking Peace in the Ogaden. Candidates aimed at maximizing the numbers of their own group, either by registering their voters in their area, or by driving others out.Footnote59 Even though the territorialization of ethnicity already started in colonial times, it was strengthened with re-introducing the multi-party system in 1992, and further intensified with devolution.Footnote60 The 47 county governments furthermore control about 30% of national revenue, divided between them in part according to population size, deepening discussions about the census figures of 2009.Footnote61. Although some Kenyan Somalis are part of the socio-economic and political elite of Kenya, they remain trapped in the position of ambiguous citizens, not part of the nation, but also not outside it. Even though these statistics do not allow conclusions to be drawn about identification processes in daily life, they hint at the desire by Kenyan Somalis to be accepted as ordinary citizens of the state.
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