Are we to believe that the fliers were in the vault the whole time? The problem is, we already know the Triangle cant work without both halves, so all Croft had to do was destroy the half she already had in her possession and the job would be done. The biggest one is Ocean's team carrying out all the money they steal from the casino vault. When the crew are originally planning the heist of the egg they say it has to be done during the day because the lasers improvise randomly and they can't plan their way through it. 50 Movie Plot Holes and Paradoxes | Den of Geek Ben Affleck has made no qualms about this plot hole, even revealing in the DVD commentary that he raised the issue with director Michael Bay while filming Bay, unimpressed with being questioned, allegedly told him to shut the f*** up. From spectacular sci-fi snafus to classic comedy clunkers, these are the plot holes that frustrate us the most. Ocean's Twelve was released theatrically in the United States on December 10, 2004, by Warner Bros. Pictures. Its unclear whether Caines Alfred actually saw Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle in a Florence cafe, or just dreamed it. But I can't talk about it and I can't talk about why. why the everliving heck would it end up in a bag on the train? Full screen version. There may be spoilers ahead. Holmes' songs "Amsterdam" and "I Love ArtReally!" However, Yen is still supposed to be trapped inside a lost piece of luggage at the time, so he'd have no way of being there to ask the question. It happens - it's a movie :-) - d4c0d312. You can unsubscribe at any time. Read our, {{#verifyErrors}} {{message}} {{/verifyErrors}} {{^verifyErrors}} {{message}} {{/verifyErrors}}. Viewers learn that the fake SWAT team swapped out the money in the vault for bags full of escort flyers but how did they get the bags down there in the first place? The real Faberge egg is supposed to be transported from Paris to Rome by train as LeMarc tells the team of Diaz. I just finished the movie and literally cant sleep thinking about this. Ocean's Twelve opens with Terry Benedict (Andy Garcia), the imposing victim of the group's big casino heist, tracking down all eleven members of the Ocean's crew and demanding they return. Toulour's celebration is short-lived when Danny reveals that his group stole the real egg while it was in transit to the museum, and Toulour realizes they were tipped off by LeMarc. Oceans Eleven proved to be one of the slickest heist thrillers in decades back in 2001, but it features a significant plot hole, albeit one that's easy enough to miss. Design and text 1996 - 2023 Jon Sandys. By keeping his surname and taking him to Darth Vaders home planet of Tatooine, of course. Dutch Railway officials didn't allow the interference of trains schedules on such a crowded station, since they're fined by the Dutch government for every delay.
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