Both were determined Seniors who have paid Senior Dues will only need an ID to attend prom Guest tickets, including those for ORHS underclassmen, can be purchased on School Cash Online. Enter a password and an emailaddress (write it down in a safe place), Complete registration page (current information, please), Enter student ID number and last name (different last names are OK.ID numbers can be obtained at your district.). was the intersection of Taylor and Rybolt roads in Green Township, 0000019276 00000 n @ 4:00 pm, at Lakota East High School(A) 0000045167 00000 n Events | Oak Hills High School Must have a photo ID at prom Prom will be a ticketless event. Search . Alternatively, you may use. 0000086181 00000 n Choose the linkabove for the campus your son or daughter attends. ,[$l&K#SY2jrm =#l_|z.}=\^x)?|6<>Cx Ux a^IKKx?xtg.)1@IC J^$}ynZsL .UpEtOJq:S5@A[#nyhQ"qhZ4run_ moWCW-[~;cWe8\^a#I[ rqA ! * Prom Tickets and Guest tickets are sold for $150 at the door. Tickets WILL NOT be sold Friday April 28th or Saturday April 29th. The Conroe Independent School District (District) is an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. St. Joseph basketball team greeting Delshire students, photo of student-athletes on winter signing day, Susan Burdine named 2023 Outstanding Middle School Teacher of the Year, OHLSD administrators meet with Gov. 0000023790 00000 n 0000085768 00000 n Congratulations to OHHS student-athletes taking part in Winter Signing Day. Cash only. OHLSD - oak-hills-high-school From a tourist's point of view everything will be open in the city center on Easter Monday. No cards. Phone (818) 735-3300. College signs will be available for photos at school, so wear your college shirts! 2022 OHSAA High School Football Playoff Brackets (Ohio) Region 4. If, due to a disability, you are unable to access content on our website and/or would like to report barriers to accessing any information on our website, please contact us at and indicate: The nature of your accessibility or alternative format needs The URL (web address) of the material you would like to access Your contact information We will contact you to attempt to provide the information you are seeking and will seek to resolve any issues regarding inaccessibility of the information on our website.
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