Policy directives, guidelines and information bulletins Policy documents applicable to the NSW Health system. DCLtIxA\dldy\MF_/08\ |gxn> `%LG`c. Sydney NSW 2000. A complaint in the department can be: an expression of dissatisfaction made by a community member or consumer about any aspect of a service provided (or contracted) by the department, the behaviour or decisions of staff, or about practices, policies and procedures. public interest disclosures made by our staff, responses to requests for feedback about the standard of our service provision, reports of problems or wrongdoing merely intended to bring a problem to our notice with no expectation of a response, an expression of concern or opinion, where a response or resolution is not explicitly or implicitly expected, a merits review request, made in pursuit of a statutory right, requests for the provision of services and assistance. endobj
Anyone may represent a person, with their consent (e.g.
PDF Incident, Complaints and Feedback Management Policy Operational guidance and procedures manuals to support compliance by public health organisations. Your rating will help us improve the website. Objective and purpose 4 . endobj
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Any procurement complaints need to be referred to the DCS Chief Procurement Officer and the NSW Procurement Board Complaint Management Guidelines should be followed. providing regular reports to the Secretary on issues arising from complaint handling work, ensuring recommendations arising out of complaint data analysis are canvassed with the Secretary and implemented where appropriate, recruiting, training and empowering staff to resolve complaints promptly and in accordance with our policies and procedures, encouraging staff managing complaints to provide suggestions on ways to improve the organisations complaint management system, encouraging all staff to be alert to complaints and assist those responsible for handling complaints to resolve them promptly.
When a complaint is made however, managers must consider whether action is also required in accordance with other policies and guidelines as set out in 10. endstream
Complaints Handling - education.nsw.gov.au Our principles direct us to have clear processes and procedures.
recognising good complaint handling by staff. following DCSs complaint management system after a complaint is received: assessing and investigating the complaint, escalating the complaint as required and appropriate, providing reasons for the decision to the customer, including options for redress, where appropriate, assisting people who wish to make complaints to access our complaints process, being alert to complaints and assist staff handling complaints to resolve matters promptly, providing feedback to management on issues arising from complaints through our complaint handling reporting processes. hb```Vk!10plLe( Sydney NSW 2000. If our staff member is unable to find a resolution, the customer can request a review of the issue and this review must be independent.
Complaint handling policy | NSW Government
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