You are responsible for hiring the home inspector and should ask what items will be included in the home inspection. If a buyer hasnt gotten in touch after the home inspection but is still within the inspection period they may not have any repair requests, are still going over the report, or are preparing a repair addendum. You want to make sure youre being thorough in your negotiations, but its always in your best interest to respond at your earliest convenience. No sweat. Credit cards with benefits: a partnership youll love. Gathering your thoughts (and emotions) as a home buyer and determining what is and what isnt a must fix item can be intense. Thermal scanning shows the area to be wet. A home appraisal, however, is required by lenders so they dont issue a mortgage loan thats more than the home is worth. I think buying and selling a house is no easy task. Youve paid for a professional home inspection on the home you hope to buy, reviewed the results, and made what you believe to be some fair requests based on the inspectors findings. But if youre still within your inspection contingency period, the buyer is likely figuring out how they want to move forward with the sale. Why Am I Not Getting Offers on My House? | Zillow Requesting repairs after a home inspection: What's acceptable and what SEE BUYER S INSPECTION RESPONSE BUYER S SIGNATURE Prepared and provided as a member service by the Indiana Association of REALTORS Inc. IAR. So for starters, make sure toread your inspection contract carefully to make sure you dont get locked into mending something you dont want to fix. You can ask to extend the contingency period if you arent able to come to an agreement quickly. Every home seller should detach themselves from the emotional side of the home and look at this pragmatically. During the home inspection process, when you find an item needing repair you think will decrease the life expectancy of the home, you have a few options when you approach the seller. This contingency period does not preclude a home buyer from conducting additional inspections on systems such as sewer or septic, inspection of a Well and eventermite or other pest inspections the home buyer wishes to have done. Once the inspection deadline is reached, its the responsibility of the buyer to contact the seller, or sellers agent, if they no longer want to go through with the home sale because of major problems, such as health or safety concerns. If the offer you made on a house was already a stretch, and you wouldnt have enough money in reserve to make necessary repairs, thats a tough position to be in financially. Emma's work has been featured in Huffington Post, NPR and XOJane. Some repairs fall in a gray area (such as a roof that doesnt show signs of damage but due to its age, would be hard to insure). Their use does not signify or suggest the endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship, of or by SuperMoney or them of us. That will be most helpful for me. I guess the bottom line is what does your agent advise and what does your gut tell you and what are you comfortable with? Reverse Mortgages: When Do They Make Sense? Dave Meyer and J Scott make "running the numbers" approachable in this complete reference guide to simple, powerful deal analysis. I could go on and on with different variables that effect your position. Those days could have been altered in your original Purchase and Sale agreement. Reasonable Requests After A Home Inspection | Rocket Mortgage
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