PubMedGoogle Scholar. Int J Adolesc Med Health. A Systematic Review of the Role of Thiamine The findings of this systematic review suggested that specific subgroups of population, such as inpatients from ICU and those initially supplied with higher caloric intakes, might have an increased risk for RFS/RH, but robust evidence is still lacking. Risk of refeeding was correctly identified and NICE guidelines were adhered to with commencement of feeding at 5kcal/kg/day and appropriate replacement of thiamine and complex vitamin B. The main disadvantage to bolus feeding, in medically stable YP, is that the NG tube requires reinsertion each time a feed is required, however, it provides a tangible motivation to eat the full meal plan provided which, in practice, should always be encouraged over NG feeding in order to promote patient wellbeing. A blood test has revealed your serum phosphate, potassium, or magnesium levels are low. Refeeding Protocol in Anorexia Nervosa Re-examined Gusella JL, Campbell AG, Lalji K. A shift to placing parents in charge: does it improve weight gain in youth with anorexia? Finally, factors associated with the incidence of RFS, such as its definition, study design, type of population, age, initial caloric intake, and type of feeding were assessed by subgroup analysis. between 7.8% and 23.4% (minimal and maximal error), and GNG at day 10 (age, mean and basal blood glucose), with an e.c. The incidence of RFS varied from 0% to 62% across the studies. Adolescents with severe restrictive eating disorders often require enteral feeding to provide lifesaving treatment. Terms and Conditions, Complications of refeeding syndrome can be prevented by electrolyte infusions and a slower refeeding regimen. The decrease of nutritional status has affected one-third hospitalized patients, while there is no widely used definition of malnutrition. The The most common symptoms are as follows: Unfortunately, there is no uniform definition of refeeding syndrome. Length of stay was reported in studies from medical and MH ward settings, however, the specific package of treatment YP received in each study was different depending on the country of origin. A systematic review of the published literature was performed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [15]. study [18] in a medical ward (where NG was implemented due to insufficient oral intake) discussed NG feeding in the context of YP with more severe medical problems, (such as intractable vomiting and superior mesenteric artery syndrome) which therefore took longer to transition to oral diet, resulting in a longer admission. KH gathered data and interpreted results. NICE clinical guideline 32 (2006) criteria for recognising patients There is no validated method to assess the retrospective and qualitative nature of studies included therefore we could not conduct a formal quality assessment or statistical method to evaluate the results. 2019;24(2):17998. 2 studies [21, 47] examined male only cohorts but both were high risk of bias. This site represents our opinions only. As per NICE guidelines, the care plan developed for each patient should specify how the patient will be discharged and reenter community-based care.
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