#2 Hardest Colleges to Get Into in America.. Stanford University. Middle 50% SAT/ACT: 1390-1530 SAT, 32-34 ACT. It also could be the schools quirky vibe and lack of a traditional Greek and party scene. Also, which campus has the biggest LGBTQ+ community. Bowdoinhome of the Polar Bearsis a private liberal arts college in Maine, consistently ranked as one of the top 10 liberal arts colleges in the nation. It seems the smallness of the schools creates that close-knit community Im looking for. That said, the NESCAC schools arent all equal in terms of prestige and academic rigor. Its also possible that it draws more applicants because students see it as a safety school if they get rejected from Williams, Amherst, or Swarthmore. Hamilton and Wesleyan (maybe Bates too) have relatively more artsy students, again just my subjective perception. so I used Niche to help. Princeton, New Jersey, United States of America, Williamstown, Massachusetts, United States of America, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America, Haverford, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Amherst, Massachusetts, United States of America. Among the other NESCAC schools, Amherst, Bowdoin, Hamilton, Middlebury, and Williams are all ranked within the top ten of the 2021 rankings. Rank the NESCAC schools? : r/ApplyingToCollege While they may not have the name recognition of the Ivy League schools, they are among the most selective and prestigious liberal arts colleges in the United States. By keeping these factors in mind, below are the ranks of the NESCAC schools academically. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Amherst/Williams are by far the best for Wall St/Consulting placement. Third, Ivy League schools have a long tradition of success in intercollege athletics, particularly in sports such as football, basketball, and lacrosse. There is no shortage of websites, magazines, and newspapers that rank colleges by academics. NYC is a short drive away. Location Brunswick, ME. I especially liked looking at the rankings for different aspects of the college experience, like the campus, academics, and much more! ;)


So I did! Bates is a prestigious university in Maine, known for the close bonds forged between students and the friendliness of the student body. Colleges With Flag Football: These 15 Schools Have Varsity Programs, Best Freshman Dorms at the University of South Carolina. For the last five, I've researched and written about college admissions. Hamilton College
although some have said that Williams & Wesleyan bear a similarity, at least in look of buildings and campus layout. By business do you mean finance/banking? Amherst gives Williams a good push every year, but the school in Williamstown clings to the number-one spot and has for many years. The class strength is small which is considered the main feature of these schools. Opposite of the Mules up north, the Connecticut College Camels are the southernmost NESCAC school, located in New London, Conn. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. According to this the Williams College is considered the best school in the NESCAC. I will say that Wesleyan is very LBGTQ friendly and comes with an excellent reputation academically. Rankings Tuition and Fees <$5,000 - $50,000+ Enrollment 0 - 14,000+ Acceptance Rate <10% - 90%+ Area of Study Majors High School GPA Test Scores Ethnicity/Diversity Activities Gender.
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