Maybe gas maybe baby?
Nervous for 20 week scan The Bump SoR's Nigel also advises you make sure you're being scanned by someone who's properly qualified, and can interpret the results correctly. Has anyone been told the sex incorrectly at their 20 week scan? My 20 week scan is tomorrow morning actually! (: I always get nervous before OB appointments. I know little one is probably growing a lot which is causing the uncomfyness but just feeling nervous still. "She then went into hospital at 36 weeks because she thought her waters had broken (they hadn't) and was told she was measuring 3 weeks ahead! Add message. I haven't felt any movement either but the tech confirmed I had an anterior placenta so I should feel him in a few weeks more than likely. I couldn't feel it but the tech said I should appreciate the extra sleep I'll get until then bc he's a kicker, I think I haven't felt movement yet, either and I'm 18 weeks today. Which was pretty screwed up this far in advance. I'm just scared I'll get to it they won't find the baby. I was seriously shaking and felt like I could vomit or pass out at anytime. What were babys measurements at 20 week scan? She was told many years ago that her baby had problems with his legs and feet and possible other problems they even went to the extent of suggesting a termination. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here), I honestly didn't even know where my dds head was at 12w. I can't private message back I don't no why. I don't feel worried about tomorrow although I know stuff might show up but I feel he or she kicking about all the time now so I know they are ok in there! Usually, its just a precaution. Think of it as the next level up from your midwife measuring the size of your bump (your 'fundal height'). Mine is tomorrow too Racheal! X, Hi. 13/11/2016 at 4:09 pm. Slightly worried about my brown discharge someone help!! It doesn't help that mine is going to be late because I am going to be away for 2 weeks. She wants to see the heart more clearly so I'm going back on the 7 th. I'm super nervous every for the anatomy scan.
We know a lot of MFMers on our forum found this IRL. These growth scans usually take place in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
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