Tell us how were doing. The local HSCprocessesapplicationsand referspersonnelto the PPV property management company. "I gave flight line tours over at the museum," Shashaty said. Note: Not all taxis are allowed on installation. Temporary traffic control points will be located on base to prevent public access to other areas of the installation.The following restrictions will apply: Watch Video: Rare lens at Pensacola Lighthouse restored by experts, View Gallery: Public access to Naval Aviation Museum and lighthouse | PHOTOS, Areas of public interest onboard NAS Pensacola, NAS Pensacola hosting public access this Saturday, Sunday, NAS Pensacola updates decision: Base under 'higher security' posture but escorts allowed, Blue Angels fans pack NAS Pensacola for return of Homecoming Air Show, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy, No weapons (firearms/knives) allowed (to include Concealed Weapon Permit holders), No backpacks/coolers allowed (diaper bags or medically required bags are acceptable and, No drones allowed (countermeasures will be taken), Persons with felony convictions are not authorized base access, All vehicles and personnel are subject to security searches and background checks. The program is strictly voluntary and open to personnel in paygrades E6 to E9 (exceptional E4 and E5 with region commanders approval), including GBs. Welcome to NAS Pensacola. For more information, click the above housing services tab. Service Members should check-in with the HSCupon arrival at the installation, even if planning on renting in the local community. HOMES.milis anofficial Department of Defense (DoD) website dedicated to helping Service Members,families and DoD civilians find housing. The NFOTS program utilizes the latest in military training aircraft and high fidelity ground based training systems to accomplish the CTW-6 mission. NASPensacola has partnered withBalfour Beatty Communitiesto offermilitary familiesoutstanding housing choices. Naval Education and Training Security Assistance Field Activity (NETSAFA) is the U.S. Navy's agent for Navy education and training for international military students. Newsletter. 0:45. Additionally, CTW-6 T-45C aircraft are upgraded with the Virtual Mission Training System (VMTS). We want to welcome you to Naval Air Station Pensacola, the Cradle of Naval Aviation, the first Navy site to be designated a Naval Air Station back in 1911 and where all Naval and Marine Corps aviators begin their training toward their Wings of Gold. IE users: Please note that Google Translate may not render correctly when using Internet Explorer. UH NATTC Manager: 850-452-2007 Access will be available dependent on available parking at the National Naval Aviation Museum and Pensacola Lighthouse. Training Air Wing Six | Leadership - Naval Air Training Command NAS Pensacola, situated in Escambia County, employs more than 16,000 military and 9,000 civilian personnel. An official website of the United States government, All Hands Magazine is produced by the Defense Media Activity for U.S. Navy Office of Information, Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ), Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Here for you and your family, 24/7. Base .
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