The chemicals coat fabrics to reduce static cling and soften their texture. Whole dryer sheet retrieved! MzJiZjczZWRhMWY0NzY1ODk1NzJmNDY3NDA3MWU3YjI4ZGM5ODQ0MTQ1MzRk We had no idea that we would have to give up . It was torn to pieces, not sure if she did it with her teeth or with her claws. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Wool dryer balls are made from 100% wool and dont contain any toxic chemicals. Remember that cats are fastidious groomers and may get the chemicals in their mouth. NTM0MGU4ZjY4N2FlNWM1MGU4NzY1Yzg2MGUyZjExNTNkOGZhZmQyZjdhNDI1 NDRmZWM1MmZkNWQzMjE3MDdiMmFiNGU0ZGM5ZGExYjg3MGExNjc4YTUyNzNj It is best to keep your cat from bonding with your clean laundry by closing the door to the laundry room or the area in which you are sorting and folding laundry. Unused dryer sheets are definitely a greater threat since they still carry most of these chemicals, but even used ones are a problem. These products are designed to be safe for both animals and humans. These chemicals are in high concentrations that are released in the dryer. The chemicals and detergents in dryer sheets are harmful to dogs in large quantities or with prolonged exposure. Although used dryer sheets have lower concentrations of chemicals, it doesn't mean they are safe. Armstrong grew up on a dairy farm in western Washington and wrote agricultural news while in college. Never try to induce vomitingthis may increase the irritation to the esophagus and mouth.
Cat Articles | MWM3NDY2N2EyYjc1MTEzYzE1NWM1MzJiYzQ3ZDk5MDc3Y2RjODQ2NWIzZGIw You may even find that adding clean tennis balls to the dryer works well to soften fabrics. Dryer sheets and fabric softeners usually contain harsh chemicals called cationic surfactants. 2000-2023 Dryer sheets often contain several toxic chemicals, including fragrances, softeners, and enzymes. Animals lick their fur and the areas on which they rest, so using dryer sheets to repel dander may needlessly expose Fluffy or Fido to health risks. Dr. Harrison is part of The Spruce Pets veterinary review board. My cats used to do the same, but I don't use the dryer sheets any more.
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