Oftentimes memorable short lines are born from these long moments of dialogue. As the collection arm was dragged along the river, Vader kept up his onslaught, driving Kenobi further up the arm. Report this user for behavior that violates our Community Guidelines. The bout ended with the two engaged in a blade-lock, which Kenobi attempted to break with a Force push, which Vader countered with one of his own, beginning a vicious power-struggle. Vader shifted the advantage to himself, but Skywalker soon defeated his father after Vader's Dun Mch attempt failed. This isnt necessarily contradicted by Vader and Obi-Wans rematch, but the scene is recontextualized, and perplexingly so, as Vader and Obi-Wans duel occurred relatively recently. [14] This battle is the third of only three times in the whole Star Wars series that people wielding the same-colored lightsabers fight each other; the first was Kenobi's fight with General Grievous, and the second was Vader dueling Jedi shown on a security hologram. But the real challenge comes when Padm, horrified by what is happening, flies to Mustafar with a secret Obi-Wan in tow to find Anakin. Vader again seized the offense, viciously driving Kenobi back along the arm, despite Kenobi's staunch resistance. biogen senior engineer ii salary. I was never able to teach you to think. [20][8] Star Wars: Complete Locations appears to map the battle incorrectly, showing the combatants abandoning the arm almost immediately, never even making it to the falls, and traveling downriver on the droid and repulsor platform. ""From my point of view, the Jedi are evil! Their fight across Mustafar finally brings them to the banks of a burning river of lavaAnakin is on a small platform looking up at Obi-Wan standing atop a small incline. 4. Vader then declared that he "no longer feared the Dark Side", and also implied designs to "take over the Empire", adding that Kenobi is his "enemy", if he isn't with him. The novel is known as the first of the Divergent trilogy. . A more direct canon contradiction that Kenobis duel would create is with dialogue from the short story Time of Death, from the 2017 short story collection From a Certain Point of View.
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