By the way, how much is it? Sample Call Center Script: A Hotel Tanya Thank you for calling Lindenwood Hotel. B: That is what I am here for. My name is Michelle. Travel Agent: Okay. If a waiter or line cook is unable to work their scheduled shift, they can call into this staff hotline day or night. Hotel Receptionist: May I have your contact number, madam? Agent: Sir I just want to remind you that, in case you cancel your reservation, the hotel has the rights to vacant the room and reserved it to another guests within 6 hours until 6pm. HANDLING RESERVATION CALL | HOTEL RESERVATION - YouTube 0:00 / 4:06 HANDLING RESERVATION CALL | HOTEL RESERVATION 5,027 views Dec 15, 2020 67 Dislike Share Save maricrisvm 806.
Practical English :: Air Travel :: Reservations (airline) :: Dialogue 2 Is that acceptable, sir? Nonsmoking. B: That won't be a problem. That's not bad. Travel Agent: Okay. Lonnie Yes, I would. Do you have a cheaper room available either on the 20th or the 22nd? Customer's Profile: Male, Age is 50-60yrs old, partially deaf and irate. Travel Agent: Sure, no problem. MAY I KNOW WHOSE ON THE LINE? Hotel Receptionist: Sure, madam. Review the key vocabulary and the sample sentences. Can you do me a favor then? Hotel Clerk: Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; were full on the 22nd, unless you want a smoking room. RESERVATION SCRIPT STARRING BY : NAUFAL AS RECEPTIONIST HOTEL NETI AS RECEPTIONIST AIRLINES NELLEUS AS HEAD OF OB R. YOGI AS OB RIJKI AS HUSBAND OF ANGGUN ANGGUN AS WIFE OF RIJKI AS MANAGER Segemen 1 ( On the phone ) Receptionist : Good morning, Antik hotel. Calling Diner: Oh wow, that would be great. HANDLING RESERVATION CALL | LPU-Batangas | SydneyVB_ MOCK CALL PRACTICE: Basic Browser Troubleshooting | Interactive Session. My name is John Sandals. PS: IMPORTANT! A: I'm planning to visit New York from Friday, April 14 until Monday, April 17. It is a mid-range hotel. Watch popular content from the following creators: Beauty and the Best (@beautyandthebest100), Beauty and the Best (@beautyandthebest100), Sam Jarman(@sam_jarman), Sammie Kahkola(@sammiekahkola), John Liang(@johnsfinancetips) .
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