10(1):16, Honey Bee Queens and Virus Infections, Amiri et al. You can support Michigan State Universitys (MSU) work to help beekeepers, honey bees and other pollinators by making a gift to Michigan Pollinator Initiative. Learning about honeybees as a super organism and their biology is just really fascinating.. When you become a member of the Michigan Beekeepers Association (MBA), you are joining the oldest continuously operating agricultural organization in the state of Michigan, and one of the oldest beekeeping clubs in the country. check out, Bee Friendly Farming is good for farmers and for pollinators. Resources. Beekeeping Conference, Michigan Beekeeping Webinar August 2021: Jennifer's Apiary Vacation Slideshow with Copyright 2022 Michigan Beekeepers Association. These conferences are attended by hundreds of beekeepers statewide, and they include speakers on a variety of topics ranging from bee health to using hive products. Check out the MSU Agricultural Industries Program! Rebecca Tonietto, Michigan Beekeeping Webinar June 2021: Honey Bee Hygienic Behavior and Testing with The Michigan Beekeepers' Association . This is open to any and all beekeepers, commercial, sideliners and hobbyists. This team worked with farm business experts to share how the, Micro Farm Program, a USDA crop insurance program, can benefit beekeepers, MSU helps beekeepers by demystifying all beekeeping related rules, regulations and guidelines in the state. This webinar was not recorded. Michigan State University Extensions apiculture team provides information and resources for beekeepers to improve honey bee management and health. Understanding basic bee biology is key to success. , which provides them with access to a slide set and handouts, so that they can provide pollinator education to groups in their area. want, you may sign up, Hosted by USDA Honey Bee Lab and Louisiana Beekeepers Association, No registration is required, simply join by using the, The public can participate without registering for the conference bysimply visiting Jan will overview preparing for bees arrival, installation, and key initial activities and checks for about the first two months of beekeeping.
Here's a recap of who was selected in this year's draft. native bee declineswith Dr. Michelle Fearon, So You Want to Save the Bees?
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