With this knowledge, I am wondering if it indeed is worthwhile to even move forward with a Perk test, which I understand can cost upwards of $1500 based on number of holes dug/tested. R. & Regs. How do I have the county evaluate the results? Any help or advice you can offer would be much appreciated! Remember, both primary and reserve are necessary for the approval of a system. Im sorry. You will need to find the permit that should have been issued for construction of the septic system and preferably, the final inspection. 0400-48 Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Ground This is a difficult one. Can you recommend anyone that can do a perc test? A perc test, sometimes referred to as a "perk test" or percolation test, determines your soil's water absorption ratespecifically, how much time it takes for the soil to drain. The results are 75min per inch. Registered just means that the perc test was submitted to the health department. From my experience, bad soils (like Dandridge or Talbott) can perc, but they dont always. In fact, in risky soils, it is best to have it done before you divide so that you dont end up redividing it. Contact an engineer and see if they can do something like a constructed wetlands or an LPP system. 64 Fairview Rd , Columbia, TN 38401 is a vacant lot listed for-sale at $376,551. Thank you. If by chance, you can show that they fraudulently set a 3-bedroom on a 2-bedroom system, you may be able to try to force them to expand the septic system. All of these are dealing with subsurface disposal (theoretically). Assuming it isnt tight you dont necessarily need a surveyor, however, I recommend you get one to stake the house where you want it. That is a VERY low number given the amount of work they have to be experiencing. U.S.A. Close nav. Contact your local environmental health department and get a list of soil scientists that work in your area. Everything else is private so it would remain in the hands of the previous owner or the soil scientist. Nepotism is also a thing, so theres always that potential situation. This allows for the 100% reserve. means state, county, and municipal government agencies including their subdivisions and utility districts, but does not include entities . To my best recollection, a perc test is permanent. Essentially, if the land has not been modified since the test, then the passing results stand. I am in need of a soil/Perk test done on a lot located at 157 Big Cove Creek rd.
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