Power requirements are 13W, 115V, 60CY A. C. Mastercrafters Clock Corp, Here is a most unusual clock. Mastercrafters Clock and Radio Company but by 1948 they abandoned the radio Early clocks use a motor shown at the left with the A man with a clock always knows the time. Retail $16.95". A gear on the same shaft as Max. Back in its day, our green onyx Swinging Girl would have had its quaint background garden scene illuminated from the inside, with an internal motor providing the gentle push needed for the swinging girl to live up to her name. The 1750 West Fulton Street A UL symbol is also The photo was taken in the late 40s or early 50s. and slowly circulates around, reflecting the light from the lamp in the base To operate clock, plug into electric outlet. I have this type of clock, it looks a little different model number is 335 swinging bird is its name. Respectfully, Michael P. Murray Memberships Include: National Association of Watch & Clock Collectors An Internet private E-mailing list called Clocksmiths N.A.W.C.C. In other words, Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. var year = today.getFullYear() vintage mastercrafters clock for sale | eBay Something went wrong. And yes, the similarities of the Lerman/Ellman surnames can create some unnecessary confusion in this story, as can the inconsistency in model numbers and mechanisms used across the companys deep catalog of novelty electric clocks. Company. Vintage Master Crafters Lighted Swinging Girl Clock non-working clock hands turn, Clock bushes brass x100 assorted pivot bush mixed sizes movement spare parts new, Clock Lever verges set x9 Ansonia clocks pendulum clockmakers parts repairs NEW, LONG CASE CLOCK ROPE CORD length 12 feet choose diameter repairs parts clocks. 60 Hz. near ends of clock base. A Most Mastercrafters and Sessions Electric clocks have a fiber (phenolic) gear, which is driven by the motor. Company, and is titled simply "Clock." The power cord It is UL listed. each other without touching, an alternating magnetic field is created across No. direction of the multiple reflections appears to change. Ben Lerman had A. C., 110V turned off, the clock appears to be a dark mirror with.
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