input. Court [Docket] - Judge MonAM MonPM TuesAM TuesPM WedAM WedPM ThurAM Thur PM FriAM FriPM D01 - H. Welch A. Borland A. Borland A. Borland A. Borland A. Borland D01 Commercial Court Docket D02 - T. Oakes P. McMath P. McMath P. McMath P. McMath P. McMath D03 - G. Miller T. Hannah T. Hannah T. Hannah T. Hannah T. Hannah D04 - C. Ayers A. Flannelly A. Flannelly A . Counties served include Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Marion, and Morgan. The buildingalso will have alegal services office dedicated to assisting people who have decided to represent themselves in court. 140 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, IN 46204. hbbd```b``m d a9 =nmd9X f +DV$l- Q#2H(6J$(I1t)@ # Biography Ayers earned her B.A. A Marion man was recently sentenced to more than 50 years in prison for raping a child under the age of 15, according to court records. A keeper of local history: McDowell Librarys Patti Holda prepares to retire. Indiana Judicial Branch: Second Marion County vacancy <>/Metadata 28 0 R/ViewerPreferences 29 0 R>> endstream endobj startxref Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Jurors DO NOT need to appear for Jury Duty. Trinity County Superior Court People vs. Cheyenne Marion Phillips 23F013A People vs. Shawlea Roy Railton 21M321 People vs. Shawlea Roy Railton 23F024 People vs. Cecile L Shea 23F009 The Marion County Circuit Court is a court of general jurisdiction, which means that it has the authority to hear a wide range of cases. View information about the Indiana State Public Defender office, which provides representation to incarcerated criminal and juvenile defendants who cannot afford a lawyer. Trinity County Superior Court 22F157B 23F052 People vs. Robert Lee Baker 22F165C People vs. Elizabeth Nicole Bovee 18F0050A People vs. Elizabeth Nicole Bovee . It's only the beginning. stream The court assignments will be as follows: D10: Judge Ryan Gardner View Indiana Supreme Court opinions in judicial discipline cases by judge name. Search Indiana criminal, citation, civil, family, and probate cases online. % 'We've lost so much':Norwood residents defend area from city encroachment, gentrification. Judge Alicia Gooden will share additional information related to the Family Division on December 22, 2020 during the Family Law Section Meeting. Dv!/}KTZy} 2018 Indianapolis Bar Association. Sentenced 75 to 102 months in jail. The main phone number for the Marion County Circuit Court is (317) 327-4740. Stephen R. Creason works for the Indiana Supreme Court as a staff attorney with the Office of Judicial Administration. Instructions, links to service providers, and lists of participating courts and case types are provided. Heather Welch (Indiana) - Ballotpedia This process began December 7, 2020 to ensure hearing dates are being issued and hearings are being set on the proper calendar. A link to the Re-entry Court Program for former inmates is also provided. The Indiana Supreme Courtapproves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, county, or district. Given credit for 1,602 days time served. Judges are elected in partisan elections to six-year terms, after which they must run for re-election if they wish to serve additional terms.[2]. You can also find phone numbers for individual judges on the courts website.
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