Excellent experience from entrance to the end. How much does it cost to get married at Mandalay Bay? We went to the Mandalay Bay Shark Reef during our July 2008 trip to Vegas. Weddings by Mandalay Bay invites you to collaborate with our wedding experts while making your vision a reality. .icon-directions:before{background-image:url()} OMG! Your wedding planner is there to take care of all of the details of the planning process and make your wedding day as stress-free as possible. Select from a two hour Aureole dinner reception. The Shark Reef Aquarium is committed to high standards of animal care while creating an experience that is both entertaining, educational, and perfect for taking amazing photos. Host 20-60 guests at Aureole. If you cancel or ask for an amendment, the amount you paid will not be refunded. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. Normally I like this kind of stuff, but you are rushed through and the photo is snapped before everyone in the picture is ready.After your photo you are given a small hand held audio device which gave detailed descriptions of the fish you are looking at.At least they didn't charge extra for this. Aureole is one of the most exquisite restaurants at Mandalay Bay, and it makes a beautiful location for a wedding reception. The officiant was warm and friendly, and performed a very contemporary ceremony (sans "honor and obey" and the like). From unique bouquet arrangements to a personalized cake design, we offer a variety of services to help you customize your ceremony. I've been to other aquariums and this one is a bit lacking. One large bouquet and one boutonnire (or two of each) Resort King Strip View for one night with priority check-in Most wedding packages from Mandalay Bay include the fee for their chapel. Are you ready to go under the sea? The cameras looked more like surveillance cameras. It was very enjoyable.
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