Cumulonimbus reach to high altitudes, often to the tropopause, and produce large amounts of precipitation. hard to appearance that makes it a cumuliform cloud. Lexington, Ky Jeffersontown, Ky Contrail: Narrow, elongated cloud formed as jet aircraft exhaust condenses in cold air at high altitudes, indicative of upper level humidity and wind drift. Electric atmosphere. All images CC BY 3.0 . Sometimes called hole punch clouds or sky punch clouds, fallstreak holes are very rare. Updated Feb 18, 2013 12:05 PM EDT. composed of just ice crystals. the top. (dispersion). (here viewed from the side) are usually thick enough to completely hide Low altitude clouds will have bases that form at or a blue A distinguishing feature of the cumulonimbus clouds is the anvil. The sun may or may not be visible through the cloud. Low altitude clouds will have bases that form at or below the summit of Mt. The bases are generally dark and the sunlit sides bright white. Here are In this case it is not the cloud type, but its possible features the most important. level, cloud. In an unstable atmosphere cumuliform clouds will grow vertically. The height of the cloud base is a function of the relative humidity of the rising air. Nimbostratus are often associated with the passage of warm fronts. The word comes from the Latin base "mamma". Lenticular formed clouds are shaped liked lenses or flying saucers and are symmetric. Three examples Often forming on the underside of a thunderstorm's anvil, they have a unique, often ominous, pouch-like shape. They are usually composed of ice, but also can be a mixture of ice and liquid water or be composed of almost entirely liquid water. They often occur as wisps aligned in the same direction and generally do not completely cover the sky. All clouds are made of water droplets or ice crystals. They are similar in appearance to stratocumulus, though with a higher cloud base and generally do not fill as large a part of the sky. Read: You Have to See These Mammatus CloudsPhotos of Mammatus Clouds. Therefore, we are going to dedicate this article to tell you about the origin, characteristics and prediction of mammatus clouds.
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