For the most part, the roads are good enough that a car can average 105 kph (65 mph). Many people are confused when I tell them we drove the Alcan highway but its the exact same highway as the Alaska Highway, just a different name. Robyn (right) and oldest daughter, Gabi (left), are the co-founders of and the creators behind the growing multi-media adventure and lifestyle brand. Our Height will be 13 maximum. Also, gas in Alaska is measured in gallons, and in Canada, in liters. Admin. By the time you get to Whitehorse (and then to the border and eventually to Anchorage or Fairbanks or Denali) and you spend a few days sitting still, allowing the vibration of the road to finally stop pulsating through your body, you actually start reminiscing about the solitude that the ALCAN provides and the peace you felt in those few days escape from the consumer driven rat race of the world. Good luck with your trip.
The 16 longest stretches without services - Road Trips Forum I checked the government website and all I saw was it is the responsibility of the operator to understand the conditions on the roads and equip their vehicles for those conditions. This is the ultimate travel guide and pocket reference for anyone wishing to experience the adventure and wonder of THE ALASKA HIGHWAY! The canyon is about 84KM long and the roadway snaked along the Fraser River. While there isnt a lot to see and do on the Alaskan Highway, if you detour less than a hundred miles off it in many directions you can find epic adventures. Alaska Hwy fuel stopsAlaska Hwy fuel stops - distance, Miles approx, to next fuel stop, north bound. The Alaska Highway (also called the ALCAN Highway) is a long 1,390 mile road stretching from Delta Junction, Alaska at its northwestern end to Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada at its southeastern end. Our family is considering a June trip and this blog will really help our process. Thank you! Our RV can go about 400 miles on a full tank so topping off in each of the cities above plus in Teslin was perfect for us. Almost all of the Alaskan Highway through Canada was great. Other than stopping to admire the bears for a few minutes each time and refueling, we also stopped by Tetsa Campground for their famous cinnamon rolls. Well-known member Apr 4, 2010 #10 Two Hands said: We made the drive to Alaska this last summer with our 2007 Big Horn 3055RL and 2007 Chevrolet 2500HD diesel which gets about 11.5 when towing. Traveling to Fairbanks from Texas starting September 18th returning October 8, 2017. The longest distance in the continental US between gas stations is apparently 179 miles on NV/OR 140 between Winnemucca NV and Lakeview OR. Should cross into Canada tomorrow from Montana. Semi trucks chewed up the snow on the road during the day but the ruts froze at night. This distance is 2395 km (1488 mi). Feel free to email me at I will be driving a Toyota Tundra with a 34 ft travel trailer. The longest stretch of "no fuel" is about 100 miles, but most of the Alaska Highway and the Cassiar have fuel every 50 miles or less. I wish that it would be possible to add another fuel transfer tank for Diesel fuel, but tha would add another ~450# on the trailer tongue, which is not a great idea for a Bumper-Pull hitch, so I went with the ~250 mi. The roads were bad totally covered in snow we had several snowstorms . In some remote areas, it can be up to 150 miles or more between gas stations.
Gas Stations Along Alaska Highway
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