Become a member today. Privacy Policy, 2023 (Photo by Nicole Gonzales). Mel Chiong, candidate for Livermore City Council District 2. Yet a new letter from the regional board overseeing site cleanup was ignored by the City Council in their rush to approve the flawed Eden Housing Plan," the ad reads, which also features the symbol for radioactive contamination. "He also addressed the group's alternative plan, which calls for the housing development to be moved to another location -- potentially displacing existing businesses -- and a community park to be built at the current project site. Redistricting Finished, Final Map Ready In Livermore "This record needs to be set straight," Woerner said before asking city staff to clarify the points addressed in the water board's letter. "If the members of this group of many names truly believe that this site was as contaminated as they claim, then they should instead support the site remaining a parking lot and a parking garage and never becoming a park where children would play," Marchand said. Terms of Use Each contender will answer one question in special meeting Tuesday. On the topics of homelessness, the candidates used this time to share their own goals and visions for the future of Livermore. Livermore to consider renaming its Comcast street - The Mercury News It distracts us from working on the real problems and solutions that we could be working on. However, the current location was initially purchased by the city with funds designated for affordable housing. View these platforms. Uploaded: Fri, Sep 23, 2022, 12:52 am Sacramento, CA 95814 But having these partners throughout the county will really see an opportunity for us to reduce homelessness dramatically. The mother of two has called Livermore home for 24 years and serves on the citys General Plan Advisory Committee. She continued, "It's nonsense to waste everyone's time. Contact Us "I strongly support them and I believe that when we go to the ballot we all need to support them together. Branning has been endorsed by Livermore-Pleasanton Firefighters Association, Alameda Labor Council and Congressman Eric Swalwell, among others. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. This upcoming Nov. 8 general election two Livermore City Council seats are up for . On April 11, 2022, the Livermore City Council completed the redistricting process by adopting ordinance 2133 to establish a new City Council district election boundary map. TownSquare So we want to know: What do you consider the boundaries of your neighborhood? Marchand said the group spent $400,000 last year trying . I do not accept "There are no options," they are just being ignored.
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