How one UChicago scholar has shaped writing for generations of students ow are you likely to, $ersuade them to ado$t your view$oint' /irst, you will need to, understand the $reerences and $riorities o these inhabitants. All rights reserved. Emily R. Ehret. To describe exactly what makes it good, however, can be more of a challenge. McEnerney's legacy extends beyond the Schoolhouse. Graduate Writing Consultants (GWCs) are available to meet one-on-one with graduate students and postdocs about scholarly works in progress, such as dissertation proposals or chapters, academic or conference papers, journal articles and other academic documents. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. By sheer luck, I had met Joe because he was one of the examiners on my preliminary oral exam as a doctoral student, McEnerney said. I remember vividly Monday nights in the fall quarter, over in Cobb Hall, when we would come in expecting to be trained, and it would be three hours of Joe and Greg arguing with each other about writing, McEnerney said. Writing at UChicago The Little Red Schoolhouse method. about characters and actions as essential elements of your. Little Red Schoolhouse, ENGL 13000/33000). I had this sense of being present at the creation, McEnerney said. But make no mistake, LRS is an intensive, advanced writing course that helps writers learn to communicate complex and difficult material clearly to a wide variety of expert and non-expert readers. Opened in 1954, the . 57. Whether writing a legal brief or a business proposal, a scholarly article or an op-ed, students learn to analyze and address the complexities of their particular audience. It's not particularly interesting that experts are bad at writing to non-experts. *** Then, the researchers $resented the eects o the. I am a fourth-year, debating whether or not to take Little Red School House. Was the work load excessive? All are paid positions. Please see this page for more information on how to register or place yourself on the waitlist. For more information about the program, visit its Web site at:
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