Lifeguards should not talk to other lifeguards, as this can create a distraction from a potential victim. After you position and seal the mask, which of the following should you do next? PDF Lifeguard Training January 23 Monitoring the performance of the other lifeguards on duty b. Ready to take the Lifeguard practice test? Skills Sessions | Red Cross d. Obtain consent from the child's parent before rescuing the child. The American Red Cross Lifeguard Manual contains skills sheets and references to help you understand the importance of water safety and arm you with all of the knowledge necessary to help save lives and avoid injury. American Red Cross Eligibility and Requirements - Recreational Sports This training is open to all FRC members, MSU employees, and dependent children of employees. c. Have the child lie down on the pool deck and perform a secondary assessment while waiting for EMS personnel to arrive. Know what to do in a water emergency including how to help someone in trouble in the water safely, call for emergency help and CPR. d. Staying in a cooler area during breaks. An elastic roller bandage should be applied to the affected area. Once the "all Staff" Induction has been completed this Lifeguard Induction and Competency Assessment MUST be completed. We're unable to add this class to your cart. This method shouldn't be used if the victim might have a back, head or neck injury, as being pulled along the ground could cause worse damage. Understand and adjust for the unique risks of the water environment you are in, such as: Underwater hazards, such as vegetation and animals. Be a Lifeguard | City of Winston-Salem, NC Specific rules for ride vehicles Immediately begin CPR, starting with chest compressions. c. Looking for situations that are hazardous. You are using a resuscitation mask to give ventilations to a child. c. Protect the victim from becoming cold. a. What should you do next? Enter water thats over your head, then return to the surface. S50 - Lifeguard Induction & Competency Assessment (I&CA). YMCA Lifeguarding Class: R.C. 25. What are some responsibilities of a lifeguard assigned the landing zone of a slide? When performing chest compressions during CPR, you should give compressions at a rate of at least how many compressions per minute? A run-and-swim entry involves a lifeguard running through shallow waters to save someone. b. C | Always be attentive and sit or stand upright Track your kids progress with this FREE app as they learn to swim. a. A passive victim who needs help. Do not touch or move painful, injured areas on the body. When a lifeguard is unable to show up to work for their shift. There are four types of jumps, or entries, that are used by lifeguards. d. A child who is holding their arm, which appears to be injured. Conozca los 5 mejores consejos para salvarse en el agua. Swim on back returning to the start point holding the object in both arms while . You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. 6 David Lloyd Clubs Lifeguard interview questions and 6 interview reviews. Lifeguarding. A distressed swimmer who needs help. c. Bruising or rigidness of the abdomen. Water Safety | American Red Cross c. Take steps to minimize shock. What is the first step of the Adult Cardiac Chain of Survival? Keep the victim comfortable.
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