Copy of official roster from governing organization, Copy of Guest Player Roster form (if applicable), Roster provided by teams state association, Copies of player/coach passes from local or national governing federation, Copy of Coach Concussion Certificate pursuant to Ohios Return to Play law O.R.C. Pricing will be very comparable to our current brand of uniforms/player kits as we plan to add more value to the assortment of products that our players currently receive. The harassment of the officials from coaches, spectators, or players will not be tolerated. The Tournament Director has the right to make any changes or modifications to the fields and/or goals.
Murfreesboro - Kings Hammer U10 7v7, 25-minute halves, 5 minute halftime period.
Each event will provide unique event experiences and appropriate levels of competition for all teams at some of the best facilities in Ohio and Kentucky. U12 11v11, 30-minute halves, 5 minute halftime period. It fosters stimulation and excitement about soccer in an effort to increase the recreational player's interest in and love for the game. The rule is as follows: G.No Punting / Drop Kicking Rule for all U10 and younger. If a match cannot be completed at all during the event it will be marked as a 0-0 result. Does our current coach stay on with my childs team? Why Kings Hammer? One player on the field must be a goalkeeper. Any further penalty shall be at the discretion of the teams host organization. Each prospective soccer-athlete will receive one free Kings Hammer Soccer Club tryout t-shirt with a tryout identification number on the back of the t-shirt.
Cincy Challenge - Kings Hammer All decisions of the Tournament Director are final. If anything changes from a weather or field standpoint for the weekend we will inform all Coaches and Team Managers as listed in the GotSport system via email. Tag us on the platforms below or send photos to Welcome to the 2022/2023 Kings Hammer Event Series. Our goal is to continue to develop all of our players and their respective teams with an improved player development model and pathway during the new Fall 2022 Spring 23 season after the tryouts.
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