After graduating college and NOT getting into grad school, she took some advice from two of her favorite teachers: she grabbed a backpack, bought a one-way plane ticket, and went off on an adventure. None have emulated the success of the initial campaign and has slipped from the position of market leader to being the fourth largest car insurance comparison website in the UK. One tenant has now accused Armstrong and her husband Malcolm of instigating a "new Highland clearance" on the estate they bought for an estimated 2.5 million. Please help us, we will accept all your likes, subscriptions and anonymous suport. She spent four years and 3.5 million updating and improving it but is now selling it at a loss for just 5 million. The castle was constructed in stone during the 13th century. High-flier Armstrong worked for Admiral Insurance when she was appointed to launch its website seven years ago. Historic Scotland can look after the property funded by visitors. Why Did Kate Armstrong Sell Cassillis Castle? - How To Discuss Australia-born Kate always dreamed of owning a Scottish castle but she admits that the challenge of restoring Cassillis was daunting. We research and background check our articles.,, There are 30+ professionals named "Kate Armstrong", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. At the top level, founding Managing Director Kate Armstrong, an IT consultant originally from Sydney, retired from the business in 2005, following the successful flotation of the Admiral Group. April 29, 2023. Subscribe to our free once daily email newsletter here: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Rare and refreshing attitude ..if true; rather wonderful, What a wonderful lady. This is an excellent idea.
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