The tranquil and well loved Trip Inn in Westport was home to us, and our tremendous beef nachos for a night. Paul has dropped us off at the Alpine Motel, this was useful for us because we had sent our second foodbox here ready to pick up before the next section. Karakia Timatanga (to start) E te whnau Whia kia marama Kia whai take i roto i u mahi katoa Kia t, kia kaha Kia hora te marino Aroha atu, aroha mai Ttou ki a ttou katoa Everyone Seek the knowledge Have a purpose in everything you do Stand tall, Be strong May peace be widespread Give love, receive love Let us show respect for each other. We lovesingingtogether. A tarn beneath the snow spattered Mount Travers. Here, Te Ao Mori refers to three key areas: Together, these three areas will provide you with a broad overview, and hopefully, a better understanding of Mori culture and Mori realities. The link again is HERE. Bill also enquired about a room for the night, it had been a while without a nice bed and a shower, the $170 quote sent us down the road to the campsite. Upon conquering the vertical challenge away from the lake, it was now a case of working our way around the gigantic Mount Robert before dropping into a hollow by Speargrass Creek, home to its eponymous hut. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all, forever and ever, amen. %
Jesus Christ, our Lord Amen.
PDF Kia Hora Te Marino (May Peace Be Widespread) Unuhia ki te uru tapu nui o te ngakina Affirm! Kia hora te marino, Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te Krohirohi i mua i tu huarahi. Me t ttou whai i ng tikanga a rtou m endobj
Fallen trees are always fun because you have two options; The Turtle or The John Wayne". They are generally used to ensure a favourable outcome to important events and undertakings such as tangihanga ( the ritual of farewell to our deceased ), hui ( meetings ), unveilings etc., however they can cover every aspect of life. Te atawhai o t ttou Ariki, a Ihu Karaiti The most notable thing about the morning was that, on February 18th (Northern Hemisphere equivalent: August 18th) there was a heavy frost on the ground. N Maru It is important however to remember that there are not always appropriate English words which can fully reflect the essence of the Mori words used; often literal translations need to be considered metaphorically.
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