Aaron jumps through the window and starts killing walkers, and Judith and Gracie head towards the window. Daryl proceeds to aim his crossbow at the Whisperer's head, as the latter pleads that she wants to "walk after". After Daryl rode off, we cut forward to the Freedom Parkway, outside . Judith somberly agrees with R.J. when he confesses that he wishes their mom was with them. She tells her she'll understand one day why she's making Magna's group leave. Both kept their father's former hat in a way to honor them. The Walking Dead is almost at its end, but the show still has several surprises in store for fans ahead. In the woods, Judith downs a lone walker, just as Daryl discovers her. In the past, Michonne and Daryl return to Alexandria with Judith and the kids as the parents rush up to greet them. On the next episode of The Walking Dead, the newest iteration of Judith Grimes (Cailey Fleming) will be front and center. The Whisperer begs Daryl to pull the arrow out of her shoulder, not wanting to die in that manner. Judith watches as a Whisperer named Mary arrives at the gates of the community in the morning to inform everyone that a group has been trapped in the cave with Alpha's horde before she is knocked out by Rosita and placed in the cell. Picayune, Mississippi, U.S. In the woods, Judith leads Magna's group to the others, who are looking for her. Later, Rick expresses his thought to Michonne that Shane is the father but he loves Judith and she is his child. Obituary Archive | Halverson Funeral Home | Somerset PA funeral home She then says it's the same thing as what he, Rick, and Michonne did with Hilltop, the only difference being he's running away rather than fighting. He tells Rick to look at Judith and see for himself that the world will someday change. Source: The Walking Dead's Instagram. Daryl and Carol join them while Jerry and Nabila, walking through town as their daughters play outside, smile at them. Rick Grimes || After Dark X Sweater Weather || The Walking Dead - The She becomes caught up in the chaos when a herd of walkers breach and start attacking civilians, and is lost in the crowd and separated from Daryl. Gender He awkwardly greets her, and assures her that he didn't escape.
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