Margaret W. Hudson. Our DUI Court is a supervised, comprehensive treatment program for substance abusers, and our team includes the Volusia County Council, the State Attorneys Office, Public Defenders Office, Court Administration, Stewart-Marchman-Act Behavioral Healthcare, Daytona Beach Police Department, Volusia County Sheriffs Office, Clerk of Court, and other community members. background-color: #f9f9f9; Our civil staff is working as much overtime as our revenues allow, and we have adjusted staff assignments and processes where able to increase speed. 03/30/2023 : NOTICE OF SURETY BOND ESTR. } No Internet Connectivity- Join via Telephone Dial: 1-786-635-1003 Enter your Meeting ID when prompted followed by#. Be assured it is our highest priority to process the backlog of civil cases and filings and return to normal time frames. | Elections 2013. background-color: grey; Why is this public record being published online? DeLand, FL 32724. "This guy has. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Judge Campbell currently hears criminal cases at the Volusia County Courthouse Annex at City Island in Daytona Beach. Volusia County Court Judges Dawn Fields and Judith Campbell will switch divisions with Fields moving to county civil and Campbell moving to county criminal. The Judge overseeing this case is JUDITH D CAMPBELL. The combo of close supervision, treatment, and judicial oversight is remaking lives. The costs of operating our DUI Court program are offset by monetary assessments in DUI cases and participant fees. 7th Judicial Circuit Volusia County Circuit Court. color: black; Case Details Parties Documents Dockets (386) 740-5270. STATE OF FLORIDA V SAMUEL A SLEDD - Judge Dawn Nichols, who presides over Drug Court in west Volusia, applauds their success. (386) 822-6400, Public DefenderWeb Case is perhaps the biggest change in the judicial shuffle announced in a press release Friday from the 7th Judicial Circuit. Volusia County Court Judges Dawn Fields and Judith Campbell will switch divisions with Fields moving to county civil and Campbell moving to county criminal. } Cases felony division will be taken over by anotherveteran of the criminal docket:Chief Judge Raul Zambrano, who will move to the Justice Center from the Volusia County Courthouse in DeLand, where he oversaw a felony division. My Choices vote411 Voter Guide Gina M. Capone (WRI) candidate for Marion County Commissioner, District 2. Volusia Countys DUI Court was established to address the disturbing upward trend in the number of impaired-driving-related fatalities due to repeat DUI drivers with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .15 or higher.
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