Thank you. This is something quite different and you can take it regionally or internationally. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. Happy New Year. Jupiter works cyclically. Its a revolution. Could this be the start of the class action lawsuits you have forecasted? A creative community, like a theatre cast, or an environmental movement which needs you. Just wanted to say Thankyou for all your insights, dedication and integrity in all you do. Let me see if I can find a reliable astrology chart for him. Happy New Year. Jimi Hendrix, November 27th The Sixth House is about health but also about work. Will we be controlled again as the banks do at this moment? I have always been the financial planner in my household, and OH is supportive of whatever choice I make, but right now cant tell if Im giving up, running out of steam, bored, avoiding change or responding to a call for change! Are you going up, or going down? You may also be one of lifes jugglers, so while you are hoping to expand and explore through your son, you may want to do something concrete with a concept that you know could take off, if you only had the time to research a home for it. Make a Corsi-Rosenthal. On January 5th, the WHO says XBB15, found in 29 countries, is the most transmissible Covid yet. Hello Jessica, Businessmen and politicians are trying to avoid a recession so ignoring or covering up. We can laugh about the supermarket bans on bulk purchase of loo paper, but its back. The United Nations is overdue for transformation, isnt it? New . We will see a new one-world currency from May 2023. Working a partial week. It will owe a great deal to karma from 18-19 years prior. It depends on what you did 12 years ago. Keep reading if youre a Premium Member, for diary dates and your Tarot prediction for 2022. My sun sign on my birth chart is saying I am a Pisces, although on your sign dates on the website, I am a Aquarius (Im born February 19th). Dangerous shared air. Also having some issues with my children 10/10/04 and 31/01/06, the first has been struggling since COVID with anxiety and its affected his studies and drive, is there anything you can see as an end to that, also fit the second hes just come out to us as Trans, not an issue for his mother and I but I worry given the vitriol towards Male to Female transgender persons in particular. Yes, it is worrying that politicians are encouraging the transmission of SARS-COV-2 as well as influenza. Kind regards You may feel like an outsider with this group (and actually be apart from it) or very much on the inside, but a collective goal has to be clearly seen, trusted, desired and understood. or should we understand this in a figurative way? Yet, you could emerge with a degree, or higher degree, by 2023. Larry David, 2nd July Happy new year to you when it comes, warrior women unite! Having done the homework on safe travel and/or export, youll be in the best astrological position with your work, unpaid work or course from 10th May, when Jupiter goes into this new zone of your chart. Pluto goes into Aquarius. That is why it was possible for me to predict the virus, twice, and even date-stamp it (on this website) back in 2019. As we go into Pluto in Aquarius, we enter the same cycle that saw King George III step down in favour of the Prince Regent, which is something Carter could not possibly have known back in the 1940s; Her Majesty the Queen living to advanced old age was not thought of.
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