They're gonna kill that poor woman, man! It'll be something he can really run with," Joel said in an interview. Brandt: I don't like you sucking around, bothering our citizens, Lebowski. The Big Lebowski (1998 Cab Driver: Ever thus todeadbeats, Lebowski. Maude Lebowski: You can imagine where it goes from here. [12]:9798 Exline became friends with the Coens and in 1989, told them all kinds of stories from his own life, including ones about his actor-writer friend Lewis Abernathy (one of the inspirations for Walter), a fellow Vietnam vet who later became a private investigator and helped him track down and confront a high school kid who stole his car. What the fuck are you talking about Dude? She though we'd be getting million dollars! We believe in nothing, Lebowski. All right, it's fucking zero. What's this day of rest shit? Lamar Jackson and the Baltimore Ravens reach record-breaking deal Beaver? "[43], In his review for The Washington Post, Desson Howe praised the Coens and "their inspired, absurdist taste for weird, peculiar Americana but a sort of neo-Americana that is entirely invented the Coens have defined and mastered their own bizarre subgenre. Walter had previously stated that since he is shomer Shabbas, he could not bowl on a Saturday. I can't leave him home alone or he eats the furniture. What the fuck is this? | image tagged in gifs,the big lebowski,lebowski,follow the money,show me the money,money in politics | made w/ The Dude: [55] He first realized that the film had a cult following when he attended a midnight screening in 2000 at the New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles and witnessed people quoting dialogue from the film to each other. Lebowski [Five minutes after pulling a gun on Smokey]. The new five-year contract between quarterback Jackson and the Ravens is valued at $260 million, making him the highest-paid player in the league, according to multiple reports. Jesus Quintana: And its all thanks to a nobleman with the title of the Earl of Cardigan.
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