When Yoriichi was still a Demon Slayer, he saved the Kamado family from demons and remained a close friend of the family. For the record, Tanjiro is not immortal, Yoriichi wins when he slices Tanjiros head off, because if he was immortal he literally bodies . Tanjiro wears the same Hanafuda earrings that Yoriichi wore and have to his ancestor, and the two look strikingly similar in a lot of aspects. Updated on May 4th, 2022 by Sarah Martin: Even though Demon Slayer's manga ended back in 2020, fans still have questions about the mysterious Yoriichi Tsugikuni. The Strongest Character in Demon Slayer Explained!Want to see more Demon Slayer videos? RELATED: Naruto: 10 Demon Slayer Characters Itachi Uchiha Could Defeat In Battle. But if we are talking about the human form, then its a big fat NO, because Tanjiro has just mastered the Sun Breathing whereas Yoriichi is the inventor of it, also hes way more powerful and holds an unfathomable battle intellect, larger than any Demon Slayer in history, so in conclusion, no one is remotely close to Yoriichi in Demon Slayer. The battle doll was made to put most people at a disadvantage, so they'd be forced to grow stronger. Tanjirhas the ability to fire an energy beam from his mouth. Why Demon King Tanjiro is stronger than Yoriichi I have seen many discussions on who the strongest person in Demon Slayer is, and most of them say the Yoriichi is the strongest, with Demon King Tanjiro being second. Yoriichi and Michikatsus sibling relationship can be compared to the mythology of the Shinto deities Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. Even though Muzan was weaker now than he was at his peak, he was still incredibly strong and was far stronger than any of the other demons. Kotetsu, the young swordsmith being pushed around by Muichiro, urges Tanjiro to train to become superior. When Nezuko put her hand in front of her mouth, she came out with only a bleeding hand, despite Giyus assurances that he wasnt trying to harm her. Not The End, But The Beginning - McNugget22 - | Demon Slayer We shall answer that question in this section. Where other Slayers have mastered a single fighting style, Tanjiro actually utilizes two - the Water Breathing Style and later the Dance of the Fire God. Be the first one to comment on this story. You think Yoriichi would win, I think Tanjiro would win and thats ok. We don't have enough feats from either side to know the true answer. Though he died ages before the series' present day, his Sun-Breathing lives on thanks to Tanjiro, who now wields the most powerful Breathing Style and bears a striking resemblance to the Original Sun-Breather.
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