I miss her, but still watch her videos on PBS. You are missed.
Little Richard dies: Flamboyant rock legend was 87 | CNN She has inspired me for many years. She was surrounded by family, according to the . So happy she carried on despite her health issues. How lucky all of us that like to sewing are to have been blessed to have Nancy Zieman and her knowledge cross our paths. I enjoyed her shows from the beginning. From the bottom of my heart you were my inspiration Nancy, thank you. We are so grateful for Nancys vision and willingness to share her talents with the rest of the world. I am 72 and have learned so much from watching her shows. Thanks Richard for sharing her with everyone whom sewed or wanted to sew. Nancy Zieman the Rest of the Story - A Memoir of Faith Family and Friends A NEW! 2. And, because of that, I thank the viewers of Sewing With Nancy along with those who appreciate the sewing products she created and all those whom Nancy touched professionally in one way or another. Richard Zieman. I did meet Nancy in Lakeland and took her class. Nancy was a personal friend to me (or so it seemed).
Richard Simmons Now: A Status Update On His Life And Health - Suggest I learned some much and passed as much as I could to my students. The book is a memoir and loving tribute to Nancy, written by her husband, Richard Zieman. I have watched Nancy from the beginning, she always gave such detailed information, so calm and assuring, I loved her inspiration stories, I made chemo caps for friends. I imagine her teaching the Angels how to sew new gowns. I have learned so much from watching her shows and I always wanted to meet her. I remember going around the shop and hoping to run into her in person! I began watching sewing with Nancy Saturday mornings with my children. I thoroughly enjoyed Nancys book, and even met her personally when I attended her sewing weekends in Beaver Dam, WI. Be blessed! I heard of her passing and felt the loss even though I never met her. Of course she will be missedbut also remembered most fondlyand that is what leaving a legacy means. While this would appear to be a dream situation . Although I never met Nancy personally I felt like I lost a dear friend when she died. Although I never had the privilege of meeting Nancy, I felt we were dear friends. I also was a sewer for college theater groups that very often had to figure out ways to make things work.
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