As he fled, the Varden were able to take the city, which he warned Eragon meant nothing to Galbatorix. When Eragon touched his mind in Eldest, he felt a "multitude" of consciences trying to get out. He was the son of Morzan (the man who betrayed the Dragon Riders to Galbatorix and helped destroy them all) and Selena (Morzan's Black Hand and the most feared of all the Empire's spies and assassins). At the main gate of the city, Eragon and Arya found it barricaded with rubble and guarded by a hundred soldiers. He is killed by the Ra'zac. At first, it seems like the traitor is Eragons father, whose name is Morzan. Eragon and Saphira took strength in each other and sailed on with their goal to rebuild the Dragon Riders. Another topic of note would be that the rider's blades and the lightsabers look quite similar. However, there is another character Murtagh is much more similar to, especially after Brisingr: The Witch-king of Angmar. Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Family - Eragon S., Murtagh, Morzan, Tornac - Words: 654 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 2 . After seeing his reflection in Teirm, any baby fat Eragon might have possessed was gone, stripped away by traveling, sparring, and training for months. She had This novel has shifting tones, changing in order to construct an atmosphere for the characters and their actions, with its intensity playing on the theme of good vs evil. Other When responding to a fan letter about rumors concerning Han Solo dying in the upcoming film the author brings up another article he claimed to have read, "It was in a magazine called Star Wars and it strongly suggested that Darth Vader would capture Han Solo and expose him to the dark side of the Force. Eragon was defeated multiple times, often suffering bouts of pain from the scar on his back left by Durza. Eragon was a quick learner, becoming literate and an advanced swordsman in a very short period of time. Could Frozen's King And Queen Also Be Tarzan's Parents? Eragon had a strong sense of justice and equality, despising slavery and the tyrannical reign of Galbatorix. Film Portrayer He soon received a message from her via one of the boats made of reeds she liked to make that she wished to finally see him. He may have used his remaining power to wreak havoc among the elves, or he may have simply returned to the capital. Murtagh agreed to accompany Eragon and Saphira in their search for the Varden, which was made more urgent because of Arya's desperate condition. Also, Eragon had a habit of finding trouble, as noted by Islanzad, Brom, and Saphira.
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