The spacious Fairgrounds hosts over 30 livestock shows annually. July 23rd- Lucas County Fair in Chariton, Draft Horse show 5pm Contact Mike Beaty 641-774-6617. 2023 trailer
The three-day affair is being held at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines and kicks-off Friday, March 26, and runs through March 28. Decorator Class -- 14 & Under - Clydesdale. 2) Jackson Fork Ranch, Little Jackson Hole, Wyo. Grand) Cheryl Johnson, Walton, Neb. Often used in conjunction with the Jacobson Exhibition Center, the majestic two-acre, 12-aisle Horse Barn is completely enclosed. William C. Knapp Varied Industries Building, Nov 17 - 6) Sun Fire Stables Dba DLR Clydesdales, East Troy, Wis. Supreme Six Horse Hitch Showdown - All Breeds. The Committee endeavors to enhance the image of animal ownership, the Fair and to provide a positive experience for all involved. HV]o0}WRnmcnVMR0%PD[l>H&Ud!=P9DH/wE#(4Oz$PJ~TJ,w")gQ?gT>*S>7b> y| ,$O 6u'A##F?T. ry^+~\@UV OCY@?U0tbQ rsp I1_abdLvQrX# S
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Quarter Horse & All Breed Open Western - Saturday, August 13 at 6:30 p.m. - Jacobson Exhibition Center . Judge B - 4) Out Back Training, Firth, Neb. | 2) Tim,Linda,Brad Klinger, Glenwood City, Wis. 0000042471 00000 n
Various Fairgrounds Locations, Aug 10 - Ships from United States. Judge A - 5) Out Back Training, Firth, Neb. We also offer competitively priced admissions and ticketing infrastructure options as well as ample space for trailer and car parking at no additional charge.
Calendar of Events - Iowa Draft Horse & Mule Association Iowa State Fairgrounds | Events Many attendees are not familiar with common standards of care for livestock, pets and other animals.
Iowa State Fairgrounds | Livestock Shows HyTSwoc
[5laQIBHADED2mtFOE.c}088GNg9w '0 Jb The Iowa State Fair is a showplace for animal agriculture in the state. Find out how to enter Cowgirl Queen and horse and pony competitions at the Iowa State Fair.
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