Can I dig up the bulb and plant it deeper? The cold treatment process can seem long and daunting, but its well worth it once you see those beautiful daffodils begin to bloom. If your hyacinth gets infested, it will start to look wilted and its growth will get stunted. So just let them be and theyll eventually bloom again the next year. You can spray water on them to keep them cooler. These are bulbs which are related to Amaryllis but have been cultivated so they can grow indoors and will bloom in Winter months. If this is the case then your best bet is to prop them up this year and then think about moving them next year. Hard rains will certainly smash them down, but they usually perk right up unless caked with mud. Hard rains will certainly smash them down, but they usually perk right up unless caked with mud. It should only have been put near the roots at the time you planted the daffodils because todays bone meal is not the same as the bone meal that was used long ago. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. There isnt much you can do apart from waiting for it to melt and to try and provide some support for your daffodils. Required fields are marked *. This helps fund what we do here! Planting depth and spacing are very important to the success of bulbs. If your daffodils are of the double-bloomed style then there is a greater chance that will bend and fall over. Dont worry, there is a silver lining. They are perfect for Christmas displays, due to it taking just 6-8 weeks to flower. If you are getting the same issue in your garden, then going through this article should help you in finding some possible reasons behind it. Bobcat 463 vs Bobcat S70 Which One Is Better? I bought a pot of daffodils about one to two weeks ago to decorate my windowsill (indoors). However, indoor daffodils get to enjoy both! So, no confusion will arise about it. If you dont want to move them then this is fine but you will just have to provide some form of support. Some varieties seem to flop more than others for me. We respect your privacy. Has this ever happened to you? To start, daffodils need a period of roughly 12-16 weeks of cooler temperatures in the 40-45F range. The hyacinths color usually varies from the softer hues of blue to the sharper shades of pink. Paperwhite flower The plant is native to the Eastern Mediterranean region. Yesterday we had high wind and quite a few of my doubles are bent over - but I suspect the stem is kinked and they will not straighten. If your daffodils are in an exposed position then they can fall victim to strong winds.
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