11.4 If either you or Flex receive an allegation that there has been a breach of the Agency Regulations or the Conduct Regulations in relation to the supply of a Flexer to the Client using the Service, the receiving party shall provide a copy of that allegation to the other party within seven days of receipt. Clients agree that all timesheets for the day must be approved by the Client the following day form when the shifts start at 18:00 GMT. (b) the period of 14 weeks commencing on the first day on which the Flexer worked for the Client pursuant to the supply of that Flexer to that Client by Flex. By providing my phone number, I confirm that I am the primary user and subscriber to the telephone number entered and I hereby consent to receive autodialed marketing and informational calls and texts from Indeed Flex at the telephone number provided above, including if this number is a wireless (cell phone) number. * Once your referred company is successfully verified, completed and paid for their first shift, you will receive 100 credit on your Flex account to use towards your next booking. Si vous continuez voir ce By using the Service after any changes have been posted, you agree to the new terms. 1.1 The following definitions and rules of interpretation apply in these Terms of Service: Account means the Flex account you open when you register to become a Client and use Flexs Service; Agency Regulations means the Agency Workers Regulations 2010; Appoint means the employment or engagement of any individual who is or was a Flexer by a Client or any of its Group Companies, whether directly or indirectly or through any employment business other than Flex as a direct result of any Engagement or introduction of that individual via the Service to the Client and the terms Appointed, Appoints or Appointment shall be construed accordingly; Assignment means a description of services required that is posted by a Client on the Service which includes without limitation the pay rates, times and locations for the performance of those services; Conduct Regulations means the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003; Engagement means a Clients engagement of a Flexer via the Service to provide Flexer Services in respect of any Assignment; Group Company means in relation to a company (or similar entity) any holding companies or subsidiary companies of that company (or similar entity) (together with any holding companies or subsidiary companies of such subsidiary) where holding company and subsidiary company shall have the meaning given in section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006.
Spce 630 Exam 1, Articles I