. Departing from the hamlet with their prize, the soldiers moved west toward the main trail they should have been on. We made up something to get him to go away, Eriksson told me. We were advancing through nice country, Eriksson told me. Eriksson was fond of his uncle, Mrs. Eriksson said, but, reluctantly, he answered, Im afraid I dont want to talk about her., When Erikssons leave was over, he finished out his two-year hitch at Fort Carson, Colorado, where many of the men were either completing their service, like him, or departing for war. In ten minutes, they were all together again; by then, too, the helicopters had grown larger and their engines were faintly audible. My height, Eriksson said. . "[7], At approximately 05:00 on the morning of 18 November, the squad entered the tiny village of Cat Tuong, in the Phu My District, looking for a woman. As for the defendants themselves, only Rafe showed contrition, the most striking manifestation of which was his decision to testify against Clark. A: I dont think Im braver than Eriksson. Then the C.O. He had scarcely landed in Vietnam, in October, 1966, when he was made aware of these occurrences, each of them apparently impulsive and unrelated to military strategy. When they returned, Eriksson told me, they discovered that Clark was no longer alone in advocating Maos early demise. Im talking about a murder. entered the caves, he said, the patrol had long ago left the vicinity of the curiously shaped rock formation, and had descended so deep into the valley that the men were practically able to touch the thick, rough outer walls of the caves. They found the company commander, who had himself only just returned, waiting impatiently to confront them with Erikssons report. Still in the process of waking, and not yet thinking clearly, he said, he had transformed her into a peasant woman on her way to do a days farming, such as he had seen many times in Vietnam; he had envisioned the passenger in a broad, peaked straw hat and black pajamas, carrying the traditional stick across her shoulders, with baskets at either end for holding crops. The incident on Hill 192 refers to the kidnapping, gang rape, and murder of Phan Thi Mao, a young Vietnamese woman, [1] on November 19, 1966 [2] by an American squad during the Vietnam War. Of those who were asked the question, only Captain Vorst, lifer though he was, stated that if Meserve was guilty of rape and murder, then he did not care to have the Sergeant in his command. As a result, Eriksson left Colorado for Fort Leavenworth, where Manuel, serving his time in the Disciplinary Barracks, was to be retried. These varying decisions, it seemed, were attributable to a variety of factors, among them considerations of the defendants character and background.
'Casualties of War': Brian De Palma's Exorcism of the Vietnam War Technically, I myself was a suspect, Eriksson told me. man attending the sessions assured him that this was highly improper. As Clark and Rafe left, Eriksson told me, he realized that he was about to exchange one kind of excitement for anotherthe encounter with the three Vietnamese, that is, for the quieter, more complicated ordeal of being alone with Mao. Necessarily, he said, he was in a position to speak only of the behavior of American soldiers, since they were the people he fought and lived with.
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